Monday 5 March 2012

Philip Madoc (1935 - 2012)

Today, another star of Doctor Who passed away. He did not play a Doctor or a companion, or even one of the regular villains. Instead, Philip Madoc protrayed four one-serial enemies.

He first appeared, not on the main series, but in the second of the Peter Cushing Doctor Who films, The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD, alongside future Companion actor Bernard Cribbens. He first appeared on the main series during Patrick Troughton's last series as the Doctor, first appearing as the Gond Eelek (pictured below).

.Madoc in The Krotons
He soon followed this up with an appearance as a villain known as the War Lord, who in conjunction with a Time Lord called the War Chief, abducted humans from various points in history, in the Second Doctor's final serial, The War Games.

The War Lord
Following this appearance, he remained away from Doctor Who, appearing in several prominent series, including a famous appearance in Dad's Army as the German U-Boat Captain with the List.

Followed that, he returned to Who in his most famous role on the series. In The Brain of Morbius, He protrayed the Scientist Solon, devoted of the insane Time Lord Morbius. He was tasked with rebuilding the Time Lord's body using whatever parts he could find, and for some reason, thought Tom Baker's head would be perfect for the job!

He appeared one last time in the series, protraying the character Fenner in The Power of Kroll, again appearing alongside the Fourth Doctor. He was quite disappeared with this role, as he had originally been intended to play a different character. 

Although he returned for two Big Finish Audio Adventures and was rumoured to be putting in an appearance in The Big Bang, that was to be his final appearance on Doctor Who. However, he continued to have a varied career, including his two most famous roles in A Mind to Kill and The Life and Times of of David Llyod George.

He died in his sleep, surrounded by his family, following a short battle with Cancer. My sympathies to his wife, chidlren and grandchildren.
Solon and his master, Morbius (top pocket)
Rest in peace, good sir.

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