Sunday 3 October 2010


We all have days where nothing has happened of major consequence. Where all you do is spend time on the internet looking at lolcats (YAY), listening to music (Africa by ToTo in my case) and half watch/ignore the film a family member has put on (Aliens, put on by Dad). Then some amazing thought that's SO BRILLIANT the time and date should be recorded next to it and become a national...NIGH, an INTERnational Holiday. 
Today, for me, was one of those days.
I had just loled at this lolcat

I'd just finished watching the Back to the Future trilogy

So I started reading about Wolverine (As you do after watching the Back to the Future films in one sitting) and I saw this image! 

Suddenly, it hit me!

IF WOLVERINE'S ENTIRE SKELETON WAS COATED IN ADAMANTIUM...WHY AREN'T HIS TEETH SILVER?! Granted, it would probably spoil his entire image...I mean look at the two pictures below and make your mind up who'd you rather have save you?

And this thought prompted the revealation that has been plaguing me ever since (well, for about ten minutes or so)

I have WAAAAY to much free time on my hands :D

And on that note, I'll part with some very wise words...

If you're gonna remake Clash of the Titans, include the AWESOME METAL OWL! 

Much love

Friday 1 October 2010


In my last blog entry (its the one below this one. I WON'T GIVE YOU A LINK!) I mentioned the possibility of the Stoned Dalek (I mean Stone) getting released as an action figure.

See, it's become a figure! I was RIGHT! For those of you who can't tell by the arrows (first off, why are you on the Internet?) its the gray Dalek.

I don't know when this pack is being released, but it's got all the Amy figures America never got, and a Stone Roman...impressive...I totally wanted that MORE then any of the other aliens that were at Underhenge when the Pandorica Opened...WIN! (Sarcasm)