Friday 9 December 2011

A blog I ripped off from a mate.

I'm sat here with Dad, watching Top Gear, and musing, as I'm prone to doing from time to time.

Mostly, I'm working on a script and as usual, it's not quite working properly. I write a lot of stuff, mostly scripts these days, but with the odd story thrown in. I find when someone isn't working, I tend to have a five minute break and listen to some music or play a game of Solitare, just something small to calm me down. Sometimes it's works, sometimes it's doesn't. This is one of the latter times. So I thought I'd take a bit of a longer break and do a blog.

I was reading my mate's blog, where she talked about living out of a suitcase and I found myself agreeing with her. My old bag (before it was thrown out) always used to have what I refer to as the bare essentials: A spare T-shirt, a good book and occasionally, five pounds. While I wouldn't be able to live for very long on these, I could survive a weekend.
She also pointed out that she doesn't feel home sick, but people sick. I'm not like that. I don't tend to get people or home sick. I get bed sick.

As soon as I leave home, it doesn't matter if I'm gone for a night, a weekend of a week, I miss my bed before anything or anyone else. That might sound bad, but I don't sleep well at the best of times (despite refusing to get out of bed before 9), but my bed is the one place I can get at least two hours uninterupted. I feel tired all the time, regardless of where I sleep, but when I'm away from my bed, I feel less like a tired human being and more like a Zombie.

Thank God for Tea and Dr Pepper.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

It's that time of year again

Tomorrow, it's my birthday (yay). 23 years ago, I was born. (I've lived in four decades, two centuries AND two millennia. Are you jealous? Yeah, I thought so.) So I thought I'd post a BIG LONG blog to celebrate this fact!

Except I couldn't think of anything to write, so instead, you can all enjoy the first LOLcat I find on Google that actually makes me lol. 

We could be here a while. You might want to grab a coke, Dr Pepper, Pepsi or whatever you drink while you wait....

Oh, you're still here.... Sorry, I had a nap and forgot to look for lolcats..... 

One Lolcat as promised. (WELL, sort of - I went AWWWW instead of Lol so really it's an AwCat.)

See you when I'm older!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Anne Inez McCaffrey (1926 - 2011)

Two days ago, Anne McCaffrey, author of (amongst others) the famous Dragonriders of Pern series, passed away after suffering a massive stroke. She was 85 years old, 

Her book, the White Dragon, was one of the first Science Fiction books to be featured on the New York times bestseller list. In 2005, she was named the 22nd Grand Master of the Science Fiction Writers of America. Her work won her the Hugo Award and two Nebula Awards.

I must admit, I haven't actually read any of her books. While I enjoyed looking at the covers of her books, I never took the time to pick one up. The reason I am writing this is because Mum absolutely loved them. If she wasn't working or making meals, chances were good that Mum was reading one of her books. Some of my earliest memories are of her talking about the Dragonrider series. They gave her so much joy, so I say "thank you" to Anne McCaffrey.
Rest in Peace
Anne McCaffrey: 'Who wouldn't like a 40ft telepathic dragon as their best friend?'
Damn, I've got to read one of these books!

Sunday 6 November 2011

The "You're still here" blog

In fact, loyal readers, it's been so long that I've actually managed to work myself out of the habit of coming on here every day. I used to check here, to see my friends' blogs (all of which have been silent for months) and to check up on figurine collections I've stopped collecting.

Why, I hear you asking?

Because I was bored of it. That's right. I was bored of blogging because, frankily, nothing happens to me very much. I go out with friends, watch dvds with my Dad and occasionally socialise with my brother. You know, the same old things we all do(which explains why my house is so crowded)

But this isn't a blog announcing I'm closing it down! No! This is a blog to say I intend to return to blogging whenever I feel like it. More than likely, this blog will continue with whatever the Frak* I feel like writing. In the future, my loyal readers, you can expect short stories, reviews of figures, video games and books or just general rants about whatever.

I hope you enjoy reading my entries as much as I enjoy writing them, folks.
Sadly, still not me

*Frak: a swearword originating in the reimagined series of Battlestar Galactica created by Ron Moore and someone else. Interchangeable with Fuck.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

My 50th Blog!

Yes, true believers, this is it! My 50th Blog! Half way to a hundred OR a lot of hours wasted in front of a computer typing things that the VAST majority of the population will probably never read. 

Yes...enough of that talk!

Because I didn't actually think about anything to write for this blog entry, I will instead share a brilliant discovery with you. A while back, Dad and I were watching Oops TV (not something we usually do - we're more My Family) when this video came on: 

What does this video have to do with your discovery? Is this video your discovery? Are you, in fact, Morgan Freeman? (None of the questions, especially the last one, have ever been asked of me). Well, my friends/enemies/David Cameron, read on to discover the answer to the first two questions.

Pictured: Not me

Back to my original story. I was watching this video with the sound off because I was listening to my iTunes at the time. Then, this song came on: 

As I listened, I realized it could potentially work really well as a soundtrack to this video. So I put both the song AND the video (still muted) back to the beginning and played them both. Guess what? 

I was right! 

Don't believe me? Try it for yourself.

I'll wait.

Right, wasn't I? 

Picture: Still not me

Friday 19 August 2011

Been a while

Figured it's been a while since I posted a blog, too long in fact, so here you are, friends. 

I'm currently sat watching Iron Man at my friend Jeremy's house. It's an excellent film, brilliant cast and a cool storyline (except for the lack of a true villain fight). Robert Downey Jr does a wonderful job as Tony Stark, and the special effects are rather spectuclar! All in all, it is a film I'd recommend to everyone I meet on the streets, and that's saying something, considering I don't like the streets...or people. 

There isn't really much else to tell, except that a new wave of Doctor Who Action Figures has been announced.

As you can see, its made up of three re-releases (Idris, Uncle and the Doctor), two retolled figures (River and Ganger Doctor) and one completely new scuplt (the Astronaut). Surprisingly, I'm quite happy about these figures. The Doctor has a new blue bow tie variant, which is bluer then the original release. He comes with a Sonic Screwdriver (as is standard) and looks somewhat cool.

Idris is a re-release (but fortunately one I don't already have) but she comes with 5 Time Lord Hypercubes. Why 5? Why not is all I can think of to answer that partcular question. 

Now I'm really happy about the River and Astronaut figures! The Astronaut is something I've been wanting since the Series started. It's something of a mystery to everyone (except Steven Moffat) and since its first appearance, it achieved what the Daleks have failed to do since their first encounter, that just amplified the desire. River is a tweeked version of the SDCC exclusive (see below), without the coat and belt. Some would be irritated at this, but I'm not since it means that anyone who couldn't pick one up now has the chance.

Uncle and the Ganger Doctor I'm not fussed about. Much like the Nephew figure, I can't see myself buying this (unless they release an Auntie figure to complete the set). And I have no desire for a translucent Zombie Doctor to add to my collection. All in all, quite a good wave though!

Though I'd still quite like a Canton figure!

I also had an idea for a "Good Man Goes to War" action figure set: Dorium, Strax, Vastra, Roman Rory, River and Madame Korvarian. I would also like figures of the Headless Monks. Very little was revealed about them, but they were still a cool villain.

Finally, Doctor Who is starting up again on the 27th of August! YAY!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

I am a Genius!

Semi-true fact. For example, I know that in Mathematics, a Score is "20". But that's beside the point. Today has to do less with the fact I'm a genius and more to do with actually being thankful that I shop around/am really, really luck. 

It also links into my last post, since it regards this: 

The amazing Pandorica Wave
Yep, the Pandorica Wave which consists of: 

-Eleventh Doctor with a Fez
-Amy Pond
-Damaged Cyberman
-Angel Bob
-Roman Auton.

Well, I found it on Amazon for roughly £50, including Shipping. I was fine with this, but a distinct lack of money caused me to postpone it and postpone it until I got some, which occured this morning when someone paid me some of the money he owed me. But since I was away from my laptop, I decided to postpone it until I got home. 

The rest of my day proceeded with its normal level of usualness, until we reached Tesco. As I do, I had a look around the shelves when I saw the Eleventh Doctor in Fez for £2.99. I thought cool, and had a look behind it. Angel Bob stared back at me (I was careful not to look at it in its tiny plastic eyes). Awesome. 

To cut a story short, they had the entire set...for LESS then £20! So as a result, I now have this: 

MY Pandorica Set!
And notice that that Amy is the limited Amy in Kissogram. So not only did I save £30, I got an exclusive-ish at a brilliantly reasonable price to boot! 

Bring on that River Song figure!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

And the SDCC Exclusive is...

River Song AKA Cleopatra AKA Mrs Robinson AKA Melody Pond in her outfit from "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. A fantastic choice, since we've been needing a new River Song figure since her second appearance. Her first figure is brilliant, but there's one small problem with it: 

Admittedly, this is only an issue for me, who wants to do a Doctor Who Figure Adventure series. Since I didn't want River Song to only be appearing in her space suit, I've been hoping for this figure for quite a while, as one of my best friends will atest to lol!


It comes with the Pandorica Chair. YAY!
However, this presents a tiny problem for me. You see, loyal readers, about six months (or a year, I'm not a hundred percent sure) ago, Character Options released this: 

A Wave with a Pandorica Build-it thingie! At the time, I already have 5 Silurian Warriors, 8 Weeping Angels (4 weeping, 4 screaming) and while I liked the Cyberman, I wasn't majorally fussed about buying it. So in the end, I bought the Fezzed Doctor and Policewoman Amy (not pictured). I then proceeded to give the Pandorica Pieces I bought with those two to a friend in America. 

Of course, had I known about this Set, I would've kept them for myself, but I didn't. In hindsight, not my brightest move ever, but not my worse either. Dad'll be getting the Fezzed Doctor, Amy and Headless Cyberman (whom I bought today and will be keeping the Pandorica Piece) from the complete Set I'll be buying in a couple of weeks. Huzzah for me.

Also, let me focus on the chair for a moment. It actually works! You can put your Eleventh Doctor figure inside it (Though I have doubts about Amy). See:

"No! Please, listen to me! The TARDIS is exploding right now and I'm the only one who can stop it! Listen to me!"
Kudos on an excellent figure choose, Underground Toys/Character Options! 

Tuesday 14 June 2011


My Oma is the best in the entire Universe.

That's all. 

There's no more

Go away!


Monday 6 June 2011

Brilliant quote about Daleks!

"On Full power, they can blast a human to atoms in a split second. But they never do that. Every Dalek dials down the power on it's gun-stick to the specific level to kill a human being. Then they lower the power setting just a tiny bit further, so that the beam burns away the Central Nervous System from the outside in, meaning that EVERY Human Being dies in agony. So it takes a full two or three seconds for a Dalek to exterminate one of us... and that's deliberate."

You... Bastards!
That quote comes from "Prisoner of the Daleks" by Trevor Baxendale. If you liked it, you might enjoy the book as I did. It should be available on Amazon or, if you like that sort of things, in a bookshop somewhere. 

Look for some variation of that quote in an episode of my DWFA.

Monday 16 May 2011

Holy Double Disappointment.

Today has been a bit of a disappointment for me. As my regular readers will know, I collect the Doctor Who action figures, both the New and Classic Who lines. So on Friday, when Underground Toys announced via Twitter that there would be a new announcement on Monday (today), I was excited. 

Turns out, it was a mistake. 
Around 3pm, it was announced it was a Classic Exclusive, and that it would be properly announced at roughly 5 gmt. So I sat here, waiting patiently when I spotted that the first wave of Series 6's figures had been announced. I was somewhat excited, and so I clicked the link. This is what I saw.

- Doctor with Stetson (and Sonic Screwdriver)
- Amelia Pond 
- Silence (closed mouth)
- Silence (open mouth)
- Nephew 

This was something of a disappointment to me, since that wave primarily consists of tweaked re-releases. The Doctor, for example. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go. Here's the figures of the Eleventh Doctor we already have.

From left to right, we have a Jacketless Doc, a blue bow tied Doctor, a Fez Doc, a Tiger print Jacket Doc, a Red Bow tied Doc and a Raggardy Doc. So you can understand me when I say the Stetson Doc doesn't excite me much at all.

Now, the Amelia Pond figure is something good. Thus far, only one other has been announced. But it's still going to tick some poeple off. Because of this:

The fact is, the first Amelia Pond figure was announced as an exclusive to the Doctor Who experience and, while it is somewhat different from the one pictured above, it'd still be something I'd be ticked off about.

Now the Ood figure. That's been released before, numerous times, to the extent that no one at Character Options could be bothered to remember the fact that Nephew (the name of the above Ood) didn't have gloves on. But then, why make a correct figure when you can just slap out one from a pre-existing mould? Typical Character Options. 

Because I like Pictures.

Now, I AM excited about the Silence figures, but I'm still ticked about it. There is ONE new figure in this Wave, and a variant of that new figure. It has an open mouth... BIG difference! what happened to the days when they'd release ONE figure with an interchangeable head? They did with the Fourth Doctor, and Tom Baker was very excited about it!

So after this, I was looking forward to the Twitter Announcement. The last time they hyped it up that much, they announced the Jon Pertwee Sonic. The time before that, it was the Peri/Sil Set (the first of the Classic Companions). So I was thinking it was possibly another Companion Set (possible even the Brig or Sarah Jane, in remembrance of the departed Actors). But no.... It was this: 

The Time Monster Set - consisting of the Roger Delgado Master, his TARDIS and two accessories from the serial. Not bad...except for one small detail. 

The Delgado is a re-release... of a figure I already have. Whoopee! Basically, if I were to buy this, I'd be paying £19.99 for a big lump and two smaller pieces of plastic. Since that's not on my to-do list, I'm disappointed by this. Go Figure. 

lol "Figure"

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Elisabeth Sladen (1946 - 2011)

As many of you know, Elisabeth Sladen passed away on the 19th of April after a battle with Cancer. Being the woman she was, she only told her family and a few close friends because "She didn't want her fans to worry about her." That in itself says a lot about her character. 

Her death affected me a lot more then I thought it would. It certainly hit me a lot harder then the recent passing of Nicholas Courtney, as you can tell by the fact it took me this long just to be able to write this without tearing up. For me, it was like losing a member of the family. Her death is the first time ever I cried over losing someone I didn't know personally. 

Being born at the tail end of Sylvester McCoy's time as the Doctor, my viewing of Doctor Who consisted solely of whatever episode the BBC felt like showing. Nine times out of ten, it was a serial with Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen. I was brought up with that Doctor/Companion team, and right up until 2005, it was what I thought of when I thought of Doctor Who. I always assumed that all the other companions were like her, so it was a shock when I saw another team which, while good in their own right, paled in comparsion. 

Then 2006 came along, and Sarah Jane returned to Doctor Who. By then, it was David Tennant and Billie Piper in the TARDIS. . I looked forward to that episode more then any of the others that series because "Sarah Jane's coming back". I enjoyed her interactions with David Tennant, Billie Piper and Noel Clark, and I remember thinking "I wish she'd gone off with them instead of Mickey." Though my wish didn't come true, the next best thing happened.

The Sarah Jane Adventures. 

I'll admit it. I didn't watch it at first because I thought it would be a dumbed down version of Doctor Who. But then on the spree of the moment, I bought "Invasion of the Bane" and, after watching it, instantly changed my mind and bought the First and Second Series on DVD. After watching them, I patiently waited for CBBC to show the Third Series and after that, the Fourth Series. Before her untimely death, she completed work on three more episodes. I hope that the BBC shows them, as they are her last contribution to the official Doctor Who Universe.

People close to me know how much I loved her. When my Gran first asked why I want to play the Last Doctor, I instantly replied with "So I can work with Elisabeth Sladen." There is a reason that when I was writing my DWFA scripts, I knew from the beginning that she was going to the Tenth Doctor's Companion. She had an energy about her that belied her years and I know that never getting the chance to meet her, along with the Brigadier, will be one of the biggest regrets of my life.

Goodbye... my Sarah Jane.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Don't forget me

It is a truly sad day for Doctor Who fans across the World. Elisabeth Sladen, known to multiple generations as Sarah Jane Smith, passed away this morning. 

I tried to write her a tribute like I did with Nicholas Courtney, but found myself completely and utterly unable to without tearing up. So instead, I'll just quote Russell T Davis:

"The universe was lucky to have Sarah Jane Smith; the world was lucky to have Lis."

My sympathies to her husband of 43 years, Brian Miller, and their daughter Sadie

Rest in Peace, Elisabeth Sladen

The Bathtub is trying to kill me.

Admittedly, I had fair warning, but before I go into detail, I issue a warn. This story involves me in a bath, and is vital for this piece to make as much sense as they usually do. So I'll do you all a favour. I was in swimming trunks this time. 

Anyway, back to the main story. As many of you know, I will disappear for hours at a time for a bath. I'll keep up a book and read it, simply relaxing and escaping into another world. At the moment, its the Dresden Files. But today was different. 

It started at about 2, when I decided it was too hot outside, and opted to have a bath instead. So I go upstairs and run a hot bath (irony?). But instead of turning on, the taps made a horrible noise and absolutely no water came out. Confused, I tried to turn the taps in the sink on to the same, though less loud, noise. I went downstairs and tried the kitchen sink. Same result. So I called out to Dad, who asked a neighbour if her taps were working. They were not.

That was my warning. 

I'll admit, turning the water off across the street was a bit of a big warning, but I ignored it. My own fault really. About 5, I decided to try for a bath again, and this time was rewarded with mucky water for a few seconds, before it turned clear. 

The Mucky Water was my second warning. After that, it was going in for the kill!

So I pulled the plug and watched as the Mucky Water drained (Mucky Water kills - watch Supernatural if you don't believe me) and then as my now crystal clear bath filled up. Book in hand, I climbed in and enjoyed the warmth for about a hour, then moved to refill the Water. The hot tap obeyed for a few seconds, then it spluttered, sending hot water spraying across the bath (mostly onto my book's cover and my face). Wary, I leaned in closer to the tap, and it exploded, taking me with it. I'm a Ghost now.

Ok, those last two sentances might be a lie. For starters, if I was dead, I wouldn't be here blogging, I'd be haunting a couple of friends for the funnies. 

So instead of exploding, the tap spluttered again, with the same results minus the book cover. Not burnt, just irritated. my Bath clearly can't kill very well. So for another hour, I enjoyed warmth before deciding to get out. 

I'm actually surprised the Water didn't suddenly turn black and try to pull me back in and drown me as I got out. Call me Paranoid, but that would be on par with the rest of the Bath!

I think the Bath-tub's angry I washed my hair with the Shower instead of its water the last time I hade a bath.... Those two have never gotten along...

In semi-related news, the Dresden book I'm reading had a passage I love. "My Lab, barring a brief bout of insanity, generally reflects the state of my mind - cluttered, messy, unorganised but basically functional." 

Sound familiar to those who know me? Except the Lab part....Replace "Lab" with "Bedroom".

Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Parent Paradox

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Dad. He's brilliant, and whenever I need him, he's usually there to sub me out, be with a lift somewhere, a bit of cash or just an ear to listen to my problems. 

However, right now I feel like killing him. As usual with my blog, there's a story behind it. 

It started about 7 months ago, in September. I managed to successfully convinced (and by convince, I mean bribe) my mate Jeremy into lending me several pieces of vital Nintendo Merchandise. I'd been having a Zelda jones for a while and, despite completing Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask on the N64, I still wanted to play. What can I say? I like playing as a pointy earred dude in a green dress and tights. The next logical step was Wind Waker & Twilight Princess. 

However, I'd lost and never bothered finding my copy of Twilight Princess and every attempt to replace Wind Waker caused an unnecessary amount of stress, so I took the next logical step. I went to Jeremy's and asked if I could borrow them. Anyway, I'd also lost my Action Replay disc (I like not worrying about drowning on Wind Waker), a controller and my memory card, so I managed to con him into lending them as well. 

I finished Wind Waker (yay me) and then promptly misplaced everything but the Controller and the memory card (so the non-vital non-expensive stuff). After MONTHS of searching, I gave up and spent just under £100 replacing them (both games are the GCN version and are a bit rarer then their Wii Counterparts). Why? Because I couldn't be bothered searching for them anymore (and Jeremy was being a whinny bitch about it.)

I hear you asking "but what does your Dad have to do with this?" (and in one case, "Stop reading my thoughts!"). Here is your answer (and no, I will continue to read your thoughts).

He helped me search. We looked everywhere (except where they were). He didn't believe me when I said, "No, they're NOT in my room! I don't care how messy it is! ITS NOT IN THERE!". Long story short (a bit late there). Today, exactly 20 days after replacing them, Dad looked on his DVD shelf in his room and guess what he found?

Am I angry at Dad? A little, but that's turned down by this simple fact. GAMES FOR ME TO 

And in Lent news, I had an apple

Saturday 26 March 2011

Brief update

Got "tailored suit up" = epic win of epic.

Had fish n chips. Nom nom. More soon

Wednesday 23 March 2011

"Because it's me"

Well, as those readers that actually know me know, I can be quite random a lot of the time. 

There are times when I want to do questionable things, such as the time I wanted to go ice skating while I was on crutches. My solution to get some children's ice skates, and duct-tape them to the crutches. Fortunately, someone sensible (one of the only times I've known her to be) stopped me from doing this. I also used to pace when I'm thinking, though this has become a controlled behaviour quirk since my time in my flat. Occasionally, I read books upside down. No, the books aren't upside down. I am. The book is normally the right way up.

I also randomly burst into song when I'm out and about. Tonight, after reaching Bingley Station, I proceeded to dance and/or singalong with whatever my Ipod was playing. This might be normal, except on the playlist I was playing, there is a great variaty of genres. The People of Bingley were treated to "I Would Do Anything For Love" by Meatloaf, "She's a Lady", by Tom Jones, "Rawhide" by the Blues Brothers and finally, "Rest in Peace" by James Marsters (Buffy Musical), as well as my dancing, before Dad arrived.

And tonight in a conversation over MSN, I asked three important questions: Why do my Earphones taste like my shaving foam? How do I know what my shaving foam tastes like? And finally, Why am I eating my Earphones? 

And what does this have to do with anything?

Simple. It has reached the point with my friends and family and even myself accept some variation this as a legitimate reason:

"It's me."

I now truly believe I could do anything and get away with it simply by uttering those magical words. How will I find this out? I don't know yet but I'll be sure to let you know. 

And an update on my Lent feastings. Today, after watching Rango with one of my best mates, we went to Nando's. Why? Well, it was his suggestion and, frankily, I didn't care where we ate. Those of you who regularly eat at Nando's know that it is primarily chicken food. I'm actually surprised there's no attempt at making a dessert with Chicken. I've noticed there are vegetarian options there in the past, so I had no problems.

There were THREE whole Salads, and every one of them had the option of adding a Chicken Breast.

I picked the Caesar Salad and I won't lie to you, loyal readers, it tasted like Feet. The rest of my Food since my last update has been good.

And for those of you who want to know the reasoning behind my Shaving Foam Earphones, e-mail me and I might explain.

"So Say We All" - William Adama

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Failure Incident

Remember when I said I was going to chronicle my struggles through my meat free Lent?

Turns out, I failed. I was planning on picking up the next day, but ultimately decided against it because, frankly, who cares? I also realized I'm too important (AKA lazy) to post updates every day. I also forget the rest of the World actually exists from time to time. And finally, let's be honest, who actually reads this blog regularly? (Don't actually answer that. Your Honesty will probably make me cry) 

I'll post updates at the end of each blog entry, but they won't be the main point of any of them (mainly because I realized the five of you who regularly read my blog don't care about my food intake). Therefore, I'll update you a little on my goings on.

Except I have nothing besides Lent to update you with this time around. So contray to what I just said, I'll tell you about it. I've lost yet more weight (now down to virtually 10 stone exactly). Since I've always been tall and slender, I'm not worried about it. Ultimately, if it becomes an issue, I will give up my Lent-meat withdrawl and overload on Meat. To help counter this, I've restored Fish to my diet (That and it was the only appetiting vegetarian dish at the Sainsburys I was in).

But in completely unrelated news, I got a tiny chunk of apple stuck between my teeth. It was there for about ten minutes, until I successfully defeated it with a combination of my tongue and right thumb.

That's all. Go away please. 

Live Long and Prosper.

Friday 11 March 2011

Lent day 3

Well, True Believers, today was a real challenge for me.

I went out for lunch with an old friend. Normally, this means a trip to our local co-op where we stock up on Junk and then head to the moors where we consume the food and have a good natter. However, today we changed our normal habit and went to Greggs. 

For the first time, I was surrounded by Meat...and I was absolutely ready to punch through the plastic windows and eat everything I saw. However, I was able to contain myself, and bought an Egg Mayo Sandwich and a bag of Steak & Ale Crisps (the second of the four flavours introduced for Red Nose Day I've tried). We then went up to a nearby park, were we ran into my cousin, her boyfriend and their wee baby, as well as her sister's little boy. This little coincedence saw me waste the majority of my energy and I enjoyed a small nap before Dinner.

Dinner consisted of Vegetarian Spring Rolls. I actually enjoyed them!

Well, anyway. I've got a mate's Birthday Night out to enjoy. I'll be sober for the night, and I intend to enjoy many hours of laughing at my drunk mates, including the Birthday Girl herself! No photos though. I promised.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Lent: Day Two

Apparently, I'm going to chronicle my journey of being a Vegetarian. Why? Because it makes me happy? Maybe. Because it gives me something to definately write about? Likely. Because I can? Yeah, let's go with "Because I can.

Anyway, Day Two was a bit tricker then Day One. I almost made myself a Pate Sandwich before I remembered that Pate is Meat. Fortunately, I'd only gotten it out of the fridge and not spread any, so I gave up on the sandwich and instead had a cup of tea (That is my substitue for Food more often then not). Tonight, Dad and I enjoyed Pancakes (We rebelled on Tuesday and had Hot Dogs). Dad covered his with sugar, and I enjoyed Golden Syrup on mine. 

I expect by about Day Ten, I'll be craving Meat...

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Lent: Day One

Lent is a Christian Tradition. It is to commentorate the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert, being repeatedly tempted by the Devil. Typically, people practice Lent in the 40 Days leading up to Good Friday and then Easter. 

The idea of Lent is that a person gives up something that is dear to them. For example, some people give up Chocolate. My Brother has given up Caffeine, and my Dad has given up smoking (hopefully not just for Lent). Me, I gave up Meat. For the next 40 or so days, I shall be enjoying a delicious vegetarian diet.

Why Meat?

Simple. Normally, I'd give up Cheese. Cheese is one of the few things in Life I can't live without, and I was gearing up to do the same this year. Then I realized something. For some reason, I've been eating nearly as much cheese as I usually do. I didn't feel it was a noble enough sacrifice this year, so I briefly considered Sarcasm. However, my brother is (to put it politely) somewhat of an easy target and it'd be a repeat of Chandlier giving it up for a week. 

So what else could I give up? Dr Pepper? Again, while I regularly enjoy its so-called 27 flavoured goodness, I don't actually drink it often enough to miss it for 40 days. Doctor Who? Are you insane?! Not a chance in Hell! Simon suggested Tea, and was rewarded with the very sarcasm I nearly gave up. So that left...Meator the Internet. Since I love the Internet too much to give it up for 40 days, that left Meat. Some family members (and most of my friends in the know) objected, since it probably would mean some weight loss at a time when I can ill afford to. But it is Meat or nothing...

So Meat it is.

Today has gone well. I enjoyed Welsh Rarebit (Posh way of saying Cheese on Toast) for my main meal. Half a day down, 39 and a half to go.

To paraphrase Carla's song from the Scrubs episode My Musical....It's gonna be a long, long Lent.

Saturday 5 March 2011

And now, two pictures I borrowed from a mate's blog

And by borrowed, I mean stole:

And Dad's watching Glee.....ALARMED FACE!

Plotholes, plotholes, plotholes...

So I was watching an episode of Smallville today, not something I regularly do. I watch enough to have some idea of what's going on. I know that Callum Blue is playing a clone of the awesomely cool Zod:
Yes....I can see the resemblance....
Anyway, the episode I watched was Pandora, and dealt with one of the characters trying to find out what the hell Lois Lane was up to when she mysteriously disappeared for several weeks. As it turned out, she'd been wearing a magic ring that teleported her to the FUTURE! (No, it isn't the One Ring - wrong franchise)

And of course, like most science fiction programs where the main characters don't regularly pop to the Future for milk, it's one of Doom and Gloom. But before I continue, have a bit of background for my readers who don't watch Smallville.  

At this point, Zod and his fellow clones are powerless under a Yellow Sun, but have them under a Red Sun due to Jor-El and a handy piece of Blue Kryptonite. This was before (SPOILER ALERT) they discovered that a drop of Clark's blood would somehow magically reverse the damage due to their DNA (END OF SPOILERS) so he decides to build a tower to make the Sun go red, and give everyone back their powers. 

And back to the point! In this now Alternate Future, Zod built the Tower, and the Sun went red.
What? You thought I was joking about the Tower?
However, as an additional bonus (for Zod), the Red Sun has stripped Clark Kent of all his superpowers. That basically means that Zod can conquer the World unopposed. He COULD do it by himself, but instead he choose to do it with an army of his fellow Kryptonians. After all, why get your hands dirty?

Zod's Back up plan: An army of Superpowered Flies.
So let's recap. Zod's conquered the World, Humanity are slaves to their Kryptonian Masters and the Red Sun is really getting everyone down. You can tell it was bad when TWO of the main characters were killed off in this future (killing one means it bad, killing two means it's SERIOUSLY bad. Killing an entire cast....WHOA)

And Zod beat up Clark....does that count as abusing a cripple?
Fortunately, Lois went back in time and Clark, prewarned, used his heat vision to destroy the uncompleted Tower that would've brought this future to pass (Wait - Zod knew about Clark's heat vision...why didn't he make the damn thing heat resistant?) and we all lived happily ever after, unenslaved.

Now, I'm all for this ending. I'm beating the Kryptonians put the Humans into two categories: Slaves and Food for the Slave. Since I'm physically weak and sarcastic, I doubt I'd have been made a slave. But I must point out one very large plot-hole. (There are others, but this one, I feel, is the biggest of the lot).

Zod's weakness for Brunettes.
Lana Lang. Clark Kent's first love. The probable cause of his fetish for women with the initals L.L (look up Lori Lemaris if you don't believe me. Don't worry, I'll wait)

Maybe not just women wink wink nudge nudge
BACK to my point. In her last series (which is before Zod's appearance and therefore before the Timeline got buggered up), Lana Lang gained SUPER-POWERS! Honestly, super-powers! She gained speed, strength, stamina and invulnerability from a nano-tech suit under her skin. Basically, she was supergirl, only not Blonde....or Kryptonian:

Or Laura Vandervoort
However, she also gained a super power Clark (luckily) never had. Kryptonite Absorption. This basically means she could absorb Kryptonite radiation. This, in fact, proved to be quite convenient when Lex Luthor tried to blow up Metropolis with a KRYPTONITE BOMB!

"And then I was going to head back to my secret Moonbase and have a beer with the Joker and Sinestro"
Lana could've absorbed the Kryptonite, but it would've permenantly ended any hopes for a relationship between her and Clark (not to mention their growing partnership) since she would become a walking piece of Kryptonite for all intents and purposes. In the end, she decided to absorb the Kryptonite and leave the love of her life forever...

Not to mention do a pretty good impression of Green Lantern.
This lead to the heartbreaking (though nowhere near as good as when Buffy stabbed Angel) scene where Lana Lang kisses Clark (nearly killing him I might add) and then walking away forever (really - she's not coming back for the Finale and all). Thus ended an eight year love affair of God-like proportions. 

But what does that have to do with Pandora I hear you ask? Simple. 

In this new future, Lana Lang would've basically had all of a Kryptonian's powers AND she was radiating Kryptonite. Not only could she kill a Kryptonian with her death touch, but she had all their powers so they couldn't even take her out long distance. Surely, she could've just jumped in (she can't fly) and beaten the snot out of all the clones, ending their rule of Earth in about two days flat. Simplier still, it's already been shown that the key to Zod's plan wasn't that well built (if its not flame proof...) so she could've just walked in and smashed it with the aforementioned super strength, rendering all the clones powerless and restoring Clark. 

But she didn't. She didn't even get a passing reference in the story, so I can only assume she's alive, content to live in the newly formed country of Langland with her human slaves.

Your move, Smallville writers....

Friday 25 February 2011

A miracle

Today, a true miracle happened.

The plumber ACTUALLY came today and replaced our boiler. That might not seem like a great big to you all, but we have been fighting for this guy to come since January. Honest to God, it was a FIGHT. We were ringing him left, right and centre and he would assure us that he would be here on such and such a date. Then of course, he'd never turn up, leaving me & my brother (though more me) to deal with a very aggravated parent who wanted nothing more then to kill the bastard. 

And you know what? He actually came today. The Boiler's been fixed and turning on hot water won't actually turn off our heating! Our house is once more returning to its version of normalcy. 

Do you know how we did it? Let me tell you how we did it because, let's be honest, its a fun story. It was a marvellous idea that Dad suddenly clicked to! He rang the Plumber and mentioned "Small Claims Court" and do you know what? The Plumber said he'd be here today and he ACTUALLY came! (Less emphasis but still). 

Granted, I'd have prefered it if he had come a little later in the day so I could've enjoyed the hour and half uninterrupted sleep I enjoyed alongside the interrupted sleep inflicted upon me during the Night, but still. It's done!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Nicholas Courtney 1929 - 2011

This is truly a sad day for Doctor Who fans across the world. Today, the news broke that William Nicholas Stone Courtney (professionally known as Nicholas Courtney) died yesterday after a short illness. He first appeared alongisde William Hartnell in the Daleks' Master Plan as Bret Vyon, agent of Space Security, but most fans remember him as Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart, beloved companion of the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee.

He first played the role opposite Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor in the Web of Fear. Originally intended as a one-off character, the Brigadier soon reappeared in the Invasion later that year, and become a main character as of Jon Pertwee's first episode, Spearhead from Space. When Jon Pertwee regenerated into Tom Baker, he appeared in his first serial Robot and then in Terror of the Zygons. Later, he appeared alongside Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor in Mawdryn Undead and the Five Doctors, making him one of only four actors to appear with William Hartnell and Richard Hurndall. After that, he disappeared from Who for several years, not appearing at all with Colin Baker. He returned to the role in 1989's serial, Battlefield, alongside Sylvester McCoy. This was to be his final appearance onscreen on Doctor Who. 

He reprised the role in the non-canon Children in Need Special Dimensions in Time, finally alongside Colin Baker's Doctor, and in the fan-video Downtime and several audio adventures, including two with Paul McGann. He also appeared alongside the Tenth Doctor in the comic The Warkeeper's Crown. In fact, the only Doctors he didn't interacted with in any way were the Ninth and Eleventh Doctor (at least at the time of writing this). Eventually, he did reappear in the official Doctor Who Universe, appearing in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode Enemy of the Bane, alongside Elisabeth Sladen. He was to reappear again, alongside David Tennant, in the third series episode The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, but he suffered a small stroke he thankfully recovered from. He appeared one last time in character in Liberty Hall, being interviewed, which was ultimately his final appearance on screen.

During his time as the Brigadier, he battled Daleks, Cybermen, Zygons, Silurians, Autons & Yetis. He also appeared on screen alongside:

-the First Doctor 
-The Second Doctor
-The Third Doctor
-The Fourth Doctor
-The Fifth Doctor
-The Seventh Doctor 

And the Companions: 

-Mike Yates
-John Benton
-Sarah Jane 
and depending on how you view her, Bessie the Car.

I challenge you to find someone, other then the Doctor Actors themselves, who played more of a role within the series or worked with as many characters as he did.
I know I've only spoken about his time on Doctor Who, but that's the part I know most about him. He had a long and varied career, appearing on many Iconic British sitcoms, information of which can be found here

I was due to go to a convention he was attending, but illness prevented me from going, and I will now regret never having met him. 

Wonderful Chap.

Monday 21 February 2011

Had a great weekend!

The title pretty much covers it!
I went up to Scotland, was a co-host on a Uni radio show again, then around Glasgow, threatened to leave my Companion on Skaro due to an unnessecarily long route, tried unsuccessfully to assist in the murder of my past self, and watched some Classic Doctor Who!
Oh, and Pete, if you're reading this, the only thing I didn't like was that you called me a blathering idiot! I much prefer sensationalist eccentric! And in all honesty, the zombie survival plan is utter twoddle, much like the majority of this blog's entries!
That's all. Major Update soon.
(By soon, I mean whenever I feel like it)

Saturday 12 February 2011

A happy brilliant song!

Thanks to a friend in America, my music tastes have recently been expanding to include non-English Songs.
This currently my favour. I have no idea what they are singing, but its' happy, and has a Choir of Ghosts! 

Aforementioned Song

Because of this song, when I gain superpowers, I want one of them to be the ability to generate a hat whenever I want, so I can give it to whomever I have just saved.

Thursday 3 February 2011

How to survive a Zombie apocalypse pt II

It has come to my attention (thanks to a drunk friend) that I hadn't considered something: 

Zombie Dinosaurs
So my add-on to the plan, due to the fact that Zombie Dinosaurs (and other extinct creatures) have been dead longer and are thus more powerful, is this. 

Step 1: Get Rich (Again, without this step, you will all be eaten by Zombies (Possibly Zombie Terrorbirds).

Step 2: Research Teleportation Technology and/or a Stargate.
Step 3: Build a Teleporter and/or a Stargate.
Step 4: Buy the Moon! (Yes, the MOON) 
Step 5: Build a city/supervillain's Headquarters on the Moon with all the same features as the Apartment Building. Oh, and another Teleport and/or Stargate.
Step 6. Pray that in the time it's taken to do this, the Zombie Apocalypse hasn't started.  
Step 7. Buy a small Nuclear Device with a timer then leave them next to the Teleport/Stargate.
Step 8. Leave your teleport/stargate on! Yes, the power costs will be enormous, but at least you'll be able to skip that pesky warm up cycle. 
Step 9. Buy Guns and Ammo!
Step 10. Tell only those you wish to share the Moonbase with about the Teleport.

You're sorted!

Now what to do! 

A. Zombies are sighted! Run to your Teleporter/Stargate. If necessary, kill people to ensure your survival! 
B. Pray you don't run into Zombie Raptors! They're fast and angry!
C. When NEXT to the Teleport control/Stargate's wormhole, activate the Bomb with as small a delay as possible and then run through! 
D. The resulting explosion will wipe out your Teleport/Stargate, stranding you on the Moon forever...but at least you're not Zombie Food!
E. Live out your life, only without the option of Squash-a-Zombie and Bait-A-Zombie. 

F. Really, this should be D, but I forget it. In case of group travel, check everyone for Zombie Bites. If one is found, kill the person and make sure no one (Tim for the English/Kieron for the Scottish) has sex with the body. 

Thanks for the reminder, Alex!