Wednesday 9 March 2011

Lent: Day One

Lent is a Christian Tradition. It is to commentorate the 40 days and nights that Jesus spent in the desert, being repeatedly tempted by the Devil. Typically, people practice Lent in the 40 Days leading up to Good Friday and then Easter. 

The idea of Lent is that a person gives up something that is dear to them. For example, some people give up Chocolate. My Brother has given up Caffeine, and my Dad has given up smoking (hopefully not just for Lent). Me, I gave up Meat. For the next 40 or so days, I shall be enjoying a delicious vegetarian diet.

Why Meat?

Simple. Normally, I'd give up Cheese. Cheese is one of the few things in Life I can't live without, and I was gearing up to do the same this year. Then I realized something. For some reason, I've been eating nearly as much cheese as I usually do. I didn't feel it was a noble enough sacrifice this year, so I briefly considered Sarcasm. However, my brother is (to put it politely) somewhat of an easy target and it'd be a repeat of Chandlier giving it up for a week. 

So what else could I give up? Dr Pepper? Again, while I regularly enjoy its so-called 27 flavoured goodness, I don't actually drink it often enough to miss it for 40 days. Doctor Who? Are you insane?! Not a chance in Hell! Simon suggested Tea, and was rewarded with the very sarcasm I nearly gave up. So that left...Meator the Internet. Since I love the Internet too much to give it up for 40 days, that left Meat. Some family members (and most of my friends in the know) objected, since it probably would mean some weight loss at a time when I can ill afford to. But it is Meat or nothing...

So Meat it is.

Today has gone well. I enjoyed Welsh Rarebit (Posh way of saying Cheese on Toast) for my main meal. Half a day down, 39 and a half to go.

To paraphrase Carla's song from the Scrubs episode My Musical....It's gonna be a long, long Lent.

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