Sunday 26 August 2012

On a slightly happier note

My friend, Kerri, who's blog is linked here, got a reply off Neil Gaiman from Twitter.

For people who do not know who Neil Gaiman is, shame on you! Also, here is a bio on him for you.

So say we all

Neil Armstrong (1930 - 2012)

Yesterday the news broke that Neil Armstrong passed away due to complications from blocked coronary arteries. 

As nearly everyone on the planet knows, Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon. The quote "That's one small step for man... one giant leap for mankind" is engraved in the memories of children across the generations. He and fellow Astronaut and friend, Buzz Aldrin, spent three hours on the Moon. He is absolute proof that the human spirit can never be beaten. If we dream it, it can happen (unless you dream about your best friend giving you a makeover. Never going to happen, Paul.)

Neil Armstrong was a hero and a pioneer. 

In a statement released by the family, they stated that "The next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."

I don't know about the rest of my readers, but I certainly will.

Rest in Peace, Neil Armstrong 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Rory Williams action figure

So, after nearly three years, countless fan requests and a lot of complaining on our parts, we have finally received the news that we are getting a Rory Williams figure! In fact, two have been announced and images of them have been released! Today is a good day to be a Doctor Who Fan! 

First up, the general release one!

and secondly, an exclusive to the BBC shop

Both, to me, are brilliant. The only thing that lets it down to me is the hair. The face sculpt is an amazing likeness to Arthur Darvill. The figure is a good example of what Rory wore during the fifth series of Who. The hair, however, is too short and it is the wrong colour. That said, I am fairly certain that in person, I will not care.

However, before I return you to your regularly scheduled lives, I will give you this extract from a Twitter conversation between the highly talented Philip Lawrence, creator of action figure theatre and Alasdair Dewar, who works for Character Options.

Live Long and Prosper

Saturday 18 August 2012

Winnie Johnson (?1934 - 2012)

Winnie Johnson, mother of Moors Murder victim Keith Bennett, died today after a long battle with cancer. Ordinarily, I would not post anything about this, but her story touched me. 

Her son, aged 12, was a victim of the Moor Murderers, a couple team who killed young children and buried their bodies on the Saddleworth Moor. Most of the bodies have been found, but sadly, Keith Bennett was not one of them. For decades, Winnie Johnson fought to find her son and to give him a proper christian burial. Through solicitors, she appealed to Ian Brady to help her, but he consistantly ignored her. All she wanted was to see her son's body at peace before she herself passed away.

Sadly, that will not happen now. Her family will continue the fight in her memory.

In an almost cruel irony, the police are investigating the possibility that Brady in fact gave the location of Bennett's body to his mental health advocate in a letter. However, he gave the instruction that it is not to opened until after his death. Mrs Johnson apparently did not know about this, since her solictor felt that she would not be able to handle this information.

In a way, her situation is worse than that of the McCanns. the McCanns have hope that their daughter is still alive. Winnine Johnson knew this was not the case, but her son was equally lost to her. The fact that she knew where her son was potentially buried, but was unable to find him must've caused unimaginable pain to her.

She never gave up though because, in the words of David Kirwan her solictor, "She was Keith's mother" 

I hope that in death, she is able to find the peace that forever eluded her in her life, and that she is reunited with her beloved son, whom she spent so many years fighting for.

Rest in Peace

Monday 13 August 2012


For my hundredth blog, I thought I'd say something about memories.

Everyone has one memory, one absolutely glorious memory that cheers them up regardless of whatever situation they're in. Mine is so precious to me that I rarely think back on it, because I don't want it to become "just another memory". It's a wonderful story to tell.

And I'm not going to tell you it.  

Read what I wrote in my opening paragraph. This is a memory so personal to me that I have told one other person. Just one. Someone whom I trust so much I'd share it with. Who? You ask. I'll leave that for you all to guess, but let me tell you - it wasn't Kerri, Jeremy or Paul. One day, perhaps, I will share that memory with you, but its not today. Instead, let me tell you about my first ever shift as a student nurse.

It was on a stroke rehab ward, which is basically where people who have had a stroke and recovered sufficently to begin thinking about going home get discharged to. It's an interesting place, and the perfect spot to send a First year student who thought he knew it all, and let me tell you, it happens to every student. They spend three months or so learning basic stuff and think they're ready to take on the World.

The First placement is always an eye opener.

It's a place where you quickly discover how little you actually know. Sure, you know how to do a manual blood pressure and what a normal temperature is, but that's only the tip of the ice berg. My first day, I met a patient with a wrapped up leg. Why? I had no idea at the time, but a Staff Nurse pulled me and the other student into her room and told me to assist him in changing the dressing. 

why two of us?

Because he wanted to open our eyes. As he unwrapped the bandage I was holding, I noticed a strong smell coming from the wound. It was so strange and impossible to describe, but it's a smell I'll never forget. It was rotting flesh. The woman had had a stroke, but also had an open wound on her leg which had become infected with gangrene. How the hell do you treat gangrene? I hadn't a clue! 

And here I was, holding this leg up while the Nurse unwrapped it and then rewrapped it. It was, without a doubt, a truly disgusting and one I will not describe because it will make me gip. Even thinking back to that day does. It was just so awful, and this poor woman was on a very high dose of morphine because of it. She never recovered from it sadly, but I owe her a debt.

She showed me that I could do the job. That night, I did a bit of research on Gangrene. How it forms, how its treated etc. I also owe a debt to that Staff Nurse. He deflated my ego and showed me how much I needed to know.

On average, a third of a nursing class drop out after their first placement. A third. They realise they can't handle the stress or there's something about the job they just can't deal with at all so they leave. It's not their fault. They just find out that Nursing is not for them.

But that day, I found out I could.

Live Long and Prosper

COSTUME: Steampunk Sherlock

Hello again! Welcome back and all that bull.

So having posted promising to post more, I thought I'd do another one tonight, and tell you a bit about my latest costume. As some know, I've attended a few costume parties just recently (the last year or so) and have come up with some crackin' ones. I knocked together a reasonable Fourth Doctor one last Halloween, and I went as a Red Shirt to a Dead Celebrity Party.

So when my friend Ellen invited me to a costume party at her house, I knew I had to come up with something to top the previous costumes. To the end, I considered all my options and decided on Sherlock Holmes. However, a Sherlock Holmes costume is easy enough to put together. Get a Deerstalker, a magnifying glass, a long cape and a pipe and you're sorted. 

So I decided to make it into a bit of a challenge. I looked at previous Sherlock Holmes, and thought "why not Steampunk it ?" 

Alas, a brilliant idea was born.

The Costume 

the costume itself is fairly simple. I deliberately went as far away from the established image (below) as I could. There will be no deerstalker, no magnifying glass and no long cape. The pipe's staying simply because I like pipes. Grandpa used to have several. Instead, I decided to create a smart Victorian Gentleman look for the occasion, since Sherlock is usually described as being well dressed.

The sterotypical Holmes

To the end of creating a Victorian Gentleman look, I bought a beautiful black frock coat which comes to just below my knees. It's the type of coat I've been after for a while as an alternative to my leather trench coat. I also bought a red patterned waist coat to wear above a white, striped shirt. Tomorrow I will buying a simple pair of black trousers to match the jacket, and a black tie completes the look. After that, it's a simple case of waiting patiently for the small 'steampunk' touches, all of which were acquired at

(Beware, this next paragraph will be link heavy.)

First up, a pair of Victorian style glasses. But Sherlock Holmes never wore glasses, I hear you cry. That is true, he did not. However, in lieu of a magnifying glass, I bought these. I think they're quite niffty, and that it is something Sherlock Holmes (particularly Robert Downey Jr's version) would wear if he had the chance. Last up is a pocket watch. There's nothing special about this watch, it's just something you see all gentlemen from that era wearing (plus it looks cool). 

The Pipe is a cheap model I acquired off Amazon, as well as a set of white gloves. To complete the look, I purchased a small cap gun, since Sherlock usually entered the field armed.

The great thing is my brother, Simon, is attending the same party and, after some subtle manipulations, has agreed to attend as the Watson to my Sherlock, also with steampunk touches (although he will be more armed than Watson was in the books lol)

However, this costume will reused in parts. With a black waistcoat instead of the red and none of the steampunk gear, the Victorian Gent outfit will be my Doctor's outfit. Photos of both costumes, as well as some with my brother, will follow.

Live Long and Prosper

Sunday 12 August 2012

New things to come

First and foremost, I'm dropping the italics. A few people have complained that it made it harder to read, so for the sake of all three of my readers, I'm returning to a standard font. That is not a big change, I know, but I felt it worth pointing out. 

Secondly, I will post more. Yes, I know I've said this before but this time, I have a plan to follow it up with. I will attempt to post at least once a week. Even if I have nothing to say beyond a mad pile of rambles, you will get a mad pile of rambles. I also intend to cut down on my posts on Doctor Who. That's not to say I will cut it out completely, but it is just one part of a bigger machine. (me, in this metaphor, I am the machine) 

Thirdly, it's time I stopped moping after the woman I have feelings for. My friends are sick of hearing about it, and frankly, I'm sick of talking about it. She has found the man of her dreams, and it isn't me. Enough. Time to call it quits and find someone who will love me for me. It might take a while, but a very wise person once said "Good things come to those who wait."

Which actually leads nicely into my fourth point. 

For the last 18 months, I have sat on my arse each and every night. I've let my illness dicate my life. It would be fair to say that my life is in a rutt. No more. It's time for me to go out and have some adventures. And I'm not alone in that. Dad has expressed similar wishes, and so the pair of us will start going out again. We'll push each other to do it. But I won't just do it with him. I'm 23 years old. I can have my own adventures, and I will be making an effort to go out and see people. So that's what I'm going to do.

My fifth point. I am going to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life. I refuse to be sat here, three years from now with no changes. I want to do something with myself, be it a job or another course of some sort. By this time next year, I will be doing something! 

As some of you, I feel I have developed some minor abandonment issues, due to the sudden absence of people I care a great deal about. I want to work on them, and I know I will need help doing so, so I'm asking my readers to provide that help. Do that, and I will be eternally grateful. 

Finally, I'm going to actually make those Figure Adventures I've been planning for nearly three years. Planning is one thing. I've been putting off and putting off, finding excuses to avoid making it. No more. Kerri for one will be glad to hear that.

So yeah, that is my plan. Wish me look.

Live Long and Prosper

Saturday 11 August 2012

My brand new costume

As many of you know, I intend to play the Thirteenth and final Doctor. It's a bit of a pipe dream at the moment, considering I'm not an actor, nor have any training beyond a few church plays and a failed GCSE. However, to amend that slightly, I've been writing my own series of Doctor Who, played out with figures. My friend, Kerri will be protraying my Companion and the Master is, as of yet, uncast. 

Over the past month or so, I've been gathering the parts for a costume of my own (Because I can) and today, thanks to the arrival of an amazing parcel, it is almost complete. 

Photos coming soon!

Stay turned!

So Say We All