Friday 24 September 2010

The Brand Spanking New Daleks....

....or as I like to call them, the Power Ranger Daleks. Basically, in the recent Doctor Who Episode "Victory of the Daleks", Steven Moffat destroyed Russell T Davis' amazing bronze Daleks

and replaced them with the Rainbow Squad. (pictured below)

Why? Was it because he wanted to cement these Daleks as his own? Perhaps.
Was it because he liked mulit-coloured Daleks? Possibly.

My theory, it was so a toy company could lots and lots of money releasing the same model again and again, but with a different paint scheme.

to prove it, I have photo evidence:

Dalek Drone: £8.99

Dalek Strategist: £8.99

Dalek Scientist: (so far limited to this EXCLUSIVE two-pack, which means I had to buy an Eleven Doctor variant I didn't want) £25.99

and the newly announced Hastings' exclusive Eternal Dalek: Price unknown.

One Figure painted differently four and released four times! It's a rip-off! 

at this time, the Dalek Supreme hasn't been announced, but it'll probably be around £8.99 as well (either that or they'll release them ALL in a set with the EXCLUSIVE Dalek Supreme - I'M WISE TO YOUR GAME, CHARACTER OPTIONS!!). That means good children (and me) have so far paid £53 JUST to get FOUR of the same figure (well, I paid more because I'm what's referred to as an Army Builder-I like having multiple of the same figure).


AND TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY! Steven Moffat had a completely new type of Dalek USING THE SAME DESIGN IN THE FINALE!

All that would be needed for this Dalek to become a figure would be some modifications, and a new paint job and there'll be a SIXTH DALEK VARIANT ON SALE!

That said, I'll still buy them (except the Stone Dalek. I mean, WHY?!) ...Hypocritcal, I know, but I'd rather be a hypocrite then have a blaring hole in my collections! It's why I was so angry with Playmates for a long time. (EZRI DAX! IT WASN'T TOO MUCH TO ASK!!!).

What can I say? Daleks are awesome...even the Power Ranger Ones.
Peace out

Thursday 23 September 2010

Planning upon planning upon planning....

The old saying goes "Be prepared for everything."
But can you really be prepared for everything? I mean, what happened if this happened?

I mean, A Shark fired from the Cannon across an entire city aimed directly with the intention to kill you? Who can predict that? The good people in Apartment 13 did, and this was our (my) solution

The Shark would've landed in our Flat, and then we'd have sorted it out with a giant feline surprise!

Basically, what would've ensued would be a fight of epic proportions! One would've killed the other, and then we'd have had this solution.

Basically, after the giant Snake, we'd have fired many, many mongooses at it, and then scorpions, and then whatever the Hell eats Scorpions, and so on and so forth (Paul, who wasn't pleased about being eaten, told me to shut up at that point and I complied...actually I passed out having had a lot to drink). Basically, by the end, our flat would've been filled to near over-flowing with animal remains.
My point is, you can plan and plan and plan and then something happens which you forgot to plan for, and then you're just screwed, so just live life as it comes and have a good time!
Good thing our Landlords didn't let us have Cannons or pets in the Flat...

Monday 20 September 2010

My new Hat

I love my new hat! It's brown and awesome. My brother bought it for me, because I'd left my wallet back at home. He did it out of the kindness of his heart (That and so for once, I'd owe him some money).

My new hat is cool. It kinda makes me look like a really thin cowboy or a really thin Indiana Jones, as this picture will illustrate:

It makes me want a brown duster to as an alternative to my Black One. 

Now, onto another topic. I showed the aforementioned friend (the pigheaded one I argued about Galactus with) my blog, forgetting I'd called him pigheaded. Because I am a nice-ish person, (and because I wanted to avoid the picture below becoming prophetic), I apologised. He accepted, and I garautee you we'll argue about the Silver Surfer before too long. (It's the Circle of Life)

I make mistakes! many mistakes!

This, fortunately, has never been one of them. But I just want to say I make them. I also like this picture because it has lots of red and it shows me at work without my hat. (I'm a student nurse for the record). It's cool and what not.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Entry one

Well, after months of saying to People, I want a blog, I've finally got one! YAY ME! Thank you, you wonderful person who showed me this site (and you know who you are)
This is me

I really am, boys and girls.
So basically, this is my first entry, as my title says (for those of you not clever enough to figure it out). What can I say? I like insulting people. One friend has a love/hate relationship with me simply because I enjoy arguing with him. It's honestly a brilliant way to pass the time, simply because he's so pig-headed he always thinks he's right! Honest to God, Hours have past with us arguing about what actor appeared in what. We once argued for about three hours about which version of Galactus (a marvel supervillain-look him up, he's cool) was the best. (I said the Ultimate or Millions of Alien Robots sharing a Collective Consciousness-more realistic).
Anyone who knows my family know we love debating. This very morning, over breakfast (or lunch for some of us), My Father, his brother and I were debating what consistiutes a piece of art, and by the end of it, we were no closer, but agreed to disagree (that and Oma slammed her fist onto the table and said "ENOUGH!"). 
Now don't get me wrong, I'll admit when I'm proven wrong (as my former flatmate found out when we were arguing about a character in the truly classic but much underrated film Jumping Jack Flash.). I'm also the first one to admit I can be rather stubborn.

It's one of my guilty pleasures, what can I say?

and on that note, I'm done. For tonight