Sunday 28 December 2014

Bucket List

So I was talking with someone last night, and the topic of my illness came up. She suggested that I make up a bucket list of all the things I'd like to do. I know I already have one somewhere on this blog, but I thought I'd make a newer, more up to date one. I'm including some things that I've already done, so I can cross some things off already and feel accomplished.

So here goes.

1. Travel more.
2. Say yes to more things.
3. Draw more.
4. Write more.
5. See family & friends, particularly the ones who are further away than others.
6. Go to a ceilidh.
7. Meet Neil Gaiman.
8. Write a book, not necessarily for publishing but just so I can say I've written one.
9. Learn Blender.
10. Walk more.
11. Spend more time outside.
12. Have an obscene amount of sex.
13. Learn an instrument.
14. Take a camera to more places.
15. Spend more time on original ideas.
16. Buy a 3D printer.
17. Actually keep a phone.
18. Go to a comic convention in costume.
19. Post a full animation onto Youtube.
20. Play Cards Against Humanity. 
21. Stop making excuses and actually do things.
22. Cook more.
23. Remember that I am ill and there are times I can't do what other people can. But on the flip side, that is not my whole existence. Find the proper balance.
24. Be happier.
25. Spend more time offline.
26. Learn to paint.
27. Go bungee jumping and sky diving.
28. Actually organise my DVDs properly.
29. Start the 3D printing business.
30. find a lovely girlfriend. 

And that's it. 30 things that I want to do.

Well, 27 if you want to be picky. And yes, as I grow up more, I shall update this, both with strike-outs and more entries, because I'm intending to live for a good long time and I need a few more goals.

Live Long and Prosper

Monday 1 December 2014

So, for the hell of it, I decided to write down the last thought I'd ever have as a 25 year old, and my first as a 26 year old.

They were...

"Cheese" - which is normal for me. I spend a not inconsiderate amount of time thinking about cheese. 


"Brent Spiner can sing, but his cover of "Goodnight, Sweetheart" is not his best work" which makes sense if you know that I was listening to it as the clock struck midnight. 

So there you have it. A tiny insight into my mind.

Live long and prosper