Saturday 27 July 2013

Project: Robot

Those of you who read my blog on a regular basis know that a while back (approximately six months ago), I was assembling the K1 Robot Build-it Figure from the first wave of classic Doctor Who figures. Then I suddenly went quiet on the subject. My last post was about FINALLY acquiring the final piece: an arm.

Well, things happened, and the arm never materialised. It was mainly my fault, as my limited cash input meant that I constantly had to focus on other things. Back then, £20 was practically a small fortune for me. Then my friend moved house and I've not heard from him for a while.

But then I got a job. 

A reasonably well paid job, at that.

So today, I went on eBay to try and find the last arm. The final piece I needed was released with the Fifth Doctor figure. I checked eBay and was put off by the price. It's rather expensive, but that didn't stop me. I found the cheapest one (around £12 plus shipping). Before I confirmed my purchase, I decided to check out Amazon.

And there it was.

A Fifth Doctor figure for £4. It was loose but the seller assures me it has all the pieces. So naturally, I bought it. With a bit of luck, in a few days I will have at least completed my robot. Pictures are to follow when it arrives.

In other Who related news, I have gained a small army from each Dalek story of which there are figures. This, naturally, pleases me greatly.

Live Long and Prosper