Saturday 29 September 2012


Movitation is a very tricky business, because what movitates one person will put off another. I know for a fact that the promise of reading a new Star Trek after doing a little more work on a script would be enough to get me writing, but at the same time, it would be enough to make some of my friends throw the table up in despair.

Like Frank (picture)

However, I realise that I need movitation in my life. I need it in order to actually make my Doctor Who Figure Adventure Series. I've got some reasonable scripts, a couple of good mock-ups of what potentially it could look like on film, but I lack the movitation (and the Printer Ink but that's another issue) to take it to the next level and actually, you know, make a proper video. What can I do about this?

That's right! Provide my own movitation. But what? I can't drink, due to the fact it makes me vomit when the alcohol mixes with my various tablets. I can't smoke, primarily because I only really smoke when I've had a bit to drink, and that involves stopping my tablets for three days and that's complicated and also because I don't like the taste of cigarettes. I could award myself by watching a DVD, but I do that while I work because I find it easier to work with noise in the background. I could work that rush of satisifaction I feel when I finish something, but that takes ages to kick in and is rarely worth it at the best of times.

So I need to come up with something really good.

And if someone suggests not buying figures until I do work, then I will simply laugh in your face before I call you an idiot and walk away, still laughing. In fact, I'm laughing right now imagining if I actually did that. 


Anyways, I'm done laughing and I need to figure it out because I now plan to have at the very least the first Special (IE my pilot that reintroduces David Tennant thanks to the old "Alternate Timeline" excuse JJ Abrams pulled for Star Trek excuse) up on Youtube by Christmas, as well as a trailer for my first series made, which I intend to come around May time, as well as three episodes (note: episodes, not stories) made by my Birthday, which is steadily approaching.

So help me with an idea for motivation, otherwise I will just steal someone else's idea and smoke a cigar for every completed story (that's two ten minute episodes) I successfully finish to my satisifaction. 

Long Long and Propser. 

Michael O'Hare (1952 - 2012)

It is with a heavy heart that I must report that Babylon 5 actor Michael O'Hare has passed away, aged 60. On the series, he played the role of the Station's first CO, Commander Jeffrey Sinclair. O'Hare left the series after its first series after he and the writers felt that his character had been written into a corner. He continued to guest star until the middle of the third series, where his character reached the end of the arc originally intended for Jeffrey Sinclair.

Not a lot of people out there view Babylon 5 as a good piece of Science Fiction, but I am not one of them. I feel that, in many ways, it paved the way for a lot of things to come. For example, it is one of the first series to employ CGI instead of miniatures for its space scenes which, while they look dated now, were revolutionary in the day. It was also one of the first serial series. Events that happened in the very first episode were referenced and had repercussions even to the final episode. Everything was planned out well in advance. Characters were written in such a way that if the actors or actresses chose to leave, it would have a minimal impact on the overall story. 

I'm afraid that, as usual, I don't know a great deal about Michael O'Hare's career outside of Babylon 5. It was my one and only exposure to him as an actor, but if it was any indication, he was a damn good one. Jeffrey Sinclair could be a firm and hard when he needed to be, but there was still a gentleness about him. There was a great mystery about the character, one which would remain unresolved until his final appearance.

Michael O'Hare suffered a heart attacked on the 23rd of September 2012 and lapsed into a coma. He died yesterday. Once again, I feel that another Babylon 5 star has left us too soon. My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. 

Rest in Peace, Michael O'Hare