Friday 25 February 2011

A miracle

Today, a true miracle happened.

The plumber ACTUALLY came today and replaced our boiler. That might not seem like a great big to you all, but we have been fighting for this guy to come since January. Honest to God, it was a FIGHT. We were ringing him left, right and centre and he would assure us that he would be here on such and such a date. Then of course, he'd never turn up, leaving me & my brother (though more me) to deal with a very aggravated parent who wanted nothing more then to kill the bastard. 

And you know what? He actually came today. The Boiler's been fixed and turning on hot water won't actually turn off our heating! Our house is once more returning to its version of normalcy. 

Do you know how we did it? Let me tell you how we did it because, let's be honest, its a fun story. It was a marvellous idea that Dad suddenly clicked to! He rang the Plumber and mentioned "Small Claims Court" and do you know what? The Plumber said he'd be here today and he ACTUALLY came! (Less emphasis but still). 

Granted, I'd have prefered it if he had come a little later in the day so I could've enjoyed the hour and half uninterrupted sleep I enjoyed alongside the interrupted sleep inflicted upon me during the Night, but still. It's done!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Nicholas Courtney 1929 - 2011

This is truly a sad day for Doctor Who fans across the world. Today, the news broke that William Nicholas Stone Courtney (professionally known as Nicholas Courtney) died yesterday after a short illness. He first appeared alongisde William Hartnell in the Daleks' Master Plan as Bret Vyon, agent of Space Security, but most fans remember him as Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart, beloved companion of the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee.

He first played the role opposite Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor in the Web of Fear. Originally intended as a one-off character, the Brigadier soon reappeared in the Invasion later that year, and become a main character as of Jon Pertwee's first episode, Spearhead from Space. When Jon Pertwee regenerated into Tom Baker, he appeared in his first serial Robot and then in Terror of the Zygons. Later, he appeared alongside Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor in Mawdryn Undead and the Five Doctors, making him one of only four actors to appear with William Hartnell and Richard Hurndall. After that, he disappeared from Who for several years, not appearing at all with Colin Baker. He returned to the role in 1989's serial, Battlefield, alongside Sylvester McCoy. This was to be his final appearance onscreen on Doctor Who. 

He reprised the role in the non-canon Children in Need Special Dimensions in Time, finally alongside Colin Baker's Doctor, and in the fan-video Downtime and several audio adventures, including two with Paul McGann. He also appeared alongside the Tenth Doctor in the comic The Warkeeper's Crown. In fact, the only Doctors he didn't interacted with in any way were the Ninth and Eleventh Doctor (at least at the time of writing this). Eventually, he did reappear in the official Doctor Who Universe, appearing in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode Enemy of the Bane, alongside Elisabeth Sladen. He was to reappear again, alongside David Tennant, in the third series episode The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, but he suffered a small stroke he thankfully recovered from. He appeared one last time in character in Liberty Hall, being interviewed, which was ultimately his final appearance on screen.

During his time as the Brigadier, he battled Daleks, Cybermen, Zygons, Silurians, Autons & Yetis. He also appeared on screen alongside:

-the First Doctor 
-The Second Doctor
-The Third Doctor
-The Fourth Doctor
-The Fifth Doctor
-The Seventh Doctor 

And the Companions: 

-Mike Yates
-John Benton
-Sarah Jane 
and depending on how you view her, Bessie the Car.

I challenge you to find someone, other then the Doctor Actors themselves, who played more of a role within the series or worked with as many characters as he did.
I know I've only spoken about his time on Doctor Who, but that's the part I know most about him. He had a long and varied career, appearing on many Iconic British sitcoms, information of which can be found here

I was due to go to a convention he was attending, but illness prevented me from going, and I will now regret never having met him. 

Wonderful Chap.

Monday 21 February 2011

Had a great weekend!

The title pretty much covers it!
I went up to Scotland, was a co-host on a Uni radio show again, then around Glasgow, threatened to leave my Companion on Skaro due to an unnessecarily long route, tried unsuccessfully to assist in the murder of my past self, and watched some Classic Doctor Who!
Oh, and Pete, if you're reading this, the only thing I didn't like was that you called me a blathering idiot! I much prefer sensationalist eccentric! And in all honesty, the zombie survival plan is utter twoddle, much like the majority of this blog's entries!
That's all. Major Update soon.
(By soon, I mean whenever I feel like it)

Saturday 12 February 2011

A happy brilliant song!

Thanks to a friend in America, my music tastes have recently been expanding to include non-English Songs.
This currently my favour. I have no idea what they are singing, but its' happy, and has a Choir of Ghosts! 

Aforementioned Song

Because of this song, when I gain superpowers, I want one of them to be the ability to generate a hat whenever I want, so I can give it to whomever I have just saved.

Thursday 3 February 2011

How to survive a Zombie apocalypse pt II

It has come to my attention (thanks to a drunk friend) that I hadn't considered something: 

Zombie Dinosaurs
So my add-on to the plan, due to the fact that Zombie Dinosaurs (and other extinct creatures) have been dead longer and are thus more powerful, is this. 

Step 1: Get Rich (Again, without this step, you will all be eaten by Zombies (Possibly Zombie Terrorbirds).

Step 2: Research Teleportation Technology and/or a Stargate.
Step 3: Build a Teleporter and/or a Stargate.
Step 4: Buy the Moon! (Yes, the MOON) 
Step 5: Build a city/supervillain's Headquarters on the Moon with all the same features as the Apartment Building. Oh, and another Teleport and/or Stargate.
Step 6. Pray that in the time it's taken to do this, the Zombie Apocalypse hasn't started.  
Step 7. Buy a small Nuclear Device with a timer then leave them next to the Teleport/Stargate.
Step 8. Leave your teleport/stargate on! Yes, the power costs will be enormous, but at least you'll be able to skip that pesky warm up cycle. 
Step 9. Buy Guns and Ammo!
Step 10. Tell only those you wish to share the Moonbase with about the Teleport.

You're sorted!

Now what to do! 

A. Zombies are sighted! Run to your Teleporter/Stargate. If necessary, kill people to ensure your survival! 
B. Pray you don't run into Zombie Raptors! They're fast and angry!
C. When NEXT to the Teleport control/Stargate's wormhole, activate the Bomb with as small a delay as possible and then run through! 
D. The resulting explosion will wipe out your Teleport/Stargate, stranding you on the Moon forever...but at least you're not Zombie Food!
E. Live out your life, only without the option of Squash-a-Zombie and Bait-A-Zombie. 

F. Really, this should be D, but I forget it. In case of group travel, check everyone for Zombie Bites. If one is found, kill the person and make sure no one (Tim for the English/Kieron for the Scottish) has sex with the body. 

Thanks for the reminder, Alex!

How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse

So this has happened. Science has screwed up in some way and we've accidentally created a Virus that revives the recently deceased and they want to eat our flesh and turn us into more zombies (Hey, just because they're dead doesn't mean they should keep their misery to themselves!). What do we do? 
Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm sorted, because I have a plan and because I'm kind, I'll share it with you: 

1. Get Rich (THAT is the biggest step. Without that step, this plan and YOU will fail) 
2. Buy a BIG appointment Building. 
3. Buy Guns and Ammo (including a Tranq Dart and a Tranq Gun)
4. Buy some TNT and a Generator, along with a life-time's supply of fuel.

4. Buy a Flagpole and some rope.
5. Get RID of the Stairs and plant the TNT in the Lift Space.  (Keep Detonator for yourself) Make sure there is only ONE lift!
6. Convert the entire Top Floor into one big apartment, complete with LOADS OF Fridges & Freezers! Also furnish it and stock up on Game Consoles, Games and a MASSIVE TV (You're going to be spending a LOT of time there)
7. Stock up on all the vitals (For me, food, DVDs, Dr Pepper, Milk and Tea Bags) 
8. Get a life time's supply of cinder blocks and a chair (place near the window) 
9. Tie one end of the rope to the Flagpole, and leave the other end in your flat.
10. Tell people you'd want to survive (and two or three you wouldn't) about your plan.
11. Upon leaving, do NOT let anyone else rent a flat. That way, when you need it, you won't have to spend ages waiting for the lift.

You are now prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse. 

Now this is what you do: 
 A. Zombies have been sighted! Run to the apartment building! On route, if it looks like the Zombies are gaining on you, shoot ONE of the people who you don't want along for the duration! Also, make sure you have the detonator with you.
B. Upon reaching the Apartment building, shoot the spare person you don't actually want along and run into the lobby! Lock the door to provide more time.
C. It's a well known scientific fact that Zombies can't climb so jump into the lift and go your Flat.
Zombies cannot climb!
D. Use the Detonator. The explosion will take care of the Lift and it's flamming wreckage will plummet to the ground floor, protecting you from the Zombies. (Warning, the noise will summon more Zombies)
E. Hook up the Generator so you can enjoy Games, TV, DVDS when the Zombies eat the electrians and the Power Grid goes out!

Congratulations, you're safe! 


Eat, drink, games consoles, DVDs etc. 
But how to pass the time with the Zombies!

Method 1: Sit down by the window and drop Cinder Blocks on the Zombies! Good Time! See how many Zombies you can kill with one block!

Method 2: Use the Tranq Gun on one of your mates (unless they actually want to do this) then tie them to the rope to dangle them out the window, just out of the Zombies' reach. (Warning, Zombies might have longer reaches. Have some cinder blocks and/or a knife ready!) 

So sit back, relax, enjoy yourselves until the end of the Zombie Apocalypse in your very own Penthouse!

(Legal Disclaimer: If this plan fails, do not sue and/or eat me)

Wednesday 2 February 2011

"Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold"

Khan Noonien Singh, quoting a Klingon Proverb, uttered those now (at least to Star Trek Fans) immortal words. Granted, at the time, he was about to try and blow Kirk out of the sky in a broken Starship, but the message was there none the less. 
Wait fifteen years for your revenge. That way, no one will see it coming.

Of course he ended up blowing himself up, and the planet that formed from his use of the Genesis Device revived Spock...
But what does this have to do with anything, you ask? 
Basically, those who know me will know I'm English and I love it. I embrace our biggest sterotype by drinking Tea on a regular basis! I love the Beatles and Doctor Who (Anyone who HASN'T noticed that partcular fact may now leave). And of course, I love Sherlock Holmes. 
Doesn't he look awesome?
I've read most of Arthur Conan Doyle's pieces of fiction about the World Famous Detective. I've watched all the Basil Rathborne Sherlock Holmes Films and I'm an avid fan of Steven Moffat's reimagined series "Sherlock", starring Benedict Cumberbatch's cheekbones as the detective. So, in 2009, when I found out about the Sherlock Holmes, I was excited beyond belief. 
Then I saw this

To his credit, Robert Downey Jr did an absolutely brilliant job as Sherlock Holmes! But it still ticked me that an American was playing one of the United Kingdom's greatest heroes! It ticked me almost as much as Russell Crowe playing Robin Hood (I've still not watched that), but now...on this day, England has gotten her revenge. 
How, I hear you ask?
With Superman
Superman, who fights for "Truth, Justice and the American Way", is being played in the upcoming "Superman: The Man of Steel" reboot by this guy: 
His name is Henry
Some people may recognise him from the Tudors. Some might even recognise him from Stardust (I didn't). Most won't even know who he is, like me! But his name is Henry Cavill and he is an English Actor! That's right, America, someone who fights from your "way" is being played by a Limely! Possibly the only way this could be worse is if Captain America, a man who name is your country, was being played by Martin Freeman, who is as English as it's possible to be.
We also stole Batman (Christian Bale is Welsh)! Not even Marvel's films are save, since half of Andrew Garfield is English (so I claim Spider-Man's torso) and the X-Men own Charles Xavier was played by the uber-awesomely brilliant man that is Patrick Stewart (Also, because we're petty, we stole Magneto! THANK YOU IAN McKELLAN).
So yes, this Revenge plot has worked out better then Khan's ill-fated grudge match against Kirk. (If only he had just destroyed the Enterprise instead of hailing Kirk to gloat...)