Wednesday 29 June 2011

And the SDCC Exclusive is...

River Song AKA Cleopatra AKA Mrs Robinson AKA Melody Pond in her outfit from "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. A fantastic choice, since we've been needing a new River Song figure since her second appearance. Her first figure is brilliant, but there's one small problem with it: 

Admittedly, this is only an issue for me, who wants to do a Doctor Who Figure Adventure series. Since I didn't want River Song to only be appearing in her space suit, I've been hoping for this figure for quite a while, as one of my best friends will atest to lol!


It comes with the Pandorica Chair. YAY!
However, this presents a tiny problem for me. You see, loyal readers, about six months (or a year, I'm not a hundred percent sure) ago, Character Options released this: 

A Wave with a Pandorica Build-it thingie! At the time, I already have 5 Silurian Warriors, 8 Weeping Angels (4 weeping, 4 screaming) and while I liked the Cyberman, I wasn't majorally fussed about buying it. So in the end, I bought the Fezzed Doctor and Policewoman Amy (not pictured). I then proceeded to give the Pandorica Pieces I bought with those two to a friend in America. 

Of course, had I known about this Set, I would've kept them for myself, but I didn't. In hindsight, not my brightest move ever, but not my worse either. Dad'll be getting the Fezzed Doctor, Amy and Headless Cyberman (whom I bought today and will be keeping the Pandorica Piece) from the complete Set I'll be buying in a couple of weeks. Huzzah for me.

Also, let me focus on the chair for a moment. It actually works! You can put your Eleventh Doctor figure inside it (Though I have doubts about Amy). See:

"No! Please, listen to me! The TARDIS is exploding right now and I'm the only one who can stop it! Listen to me!"
Kudos on an excellent figure choose, Underground Toys/Character Options! 

Tuesday 14 June 2011


My Oma is the best in the entire Universe.

That's all. 

There's no more

Go away!


Monday 6 June 2011

Brilliant quote about Daleks!

"On Full power, they can blast a human to atoms in a split second. But they never do that. Every Dalek dials down the power on it's gun-stick to the specific level to kill a human being. Then they lower the power setting just a tiny bit further, so that the beam burns away the Central Nervous System from the outside in, meaning that EVERY Human Being dies in agony. So it takes a full two or three seconds for a Dalek to exterminate one of us... and that's deliberate."

You... Bastards!
That quote comes from "Prisoner of the Daleks" by Trevor Baxendale. If you liked it, you might enjoy the book as I did. It should be available on Amazon or, if you like that sort of things, in a bookshop somewhere. 

Look for some variation of that quote in an episode of my DWFA.