Tuesday 19 March 2013

Wednesday 13 March 2013

How do you tell someone something important?

As my loyal readers know, I suffer from a very rare genetic disorder. It affects many aspects of my life and as time goes on, it will slowly but surely affect more of them. It is most likely going to be what will kill me. I have mostly accepted this fact (yesterday's panic doesn't count). 

But how do I tell someone new in my life this fact?

I found out  for definite myself in December 2011, roughly. I'd started showing some symptoms already, so it was a forgone conclusion at that point that I had something wrong with me. Some friends knew and no doubt some of them had inform other friends. I didn't mind. Frankly I just wanted to know so that I could get on with my life. Dad, Simon and I received an appointment up at Newcastle. The consultant, a very nice man called Doug, confirmed that yes, I had inherited the condition from Mum and I went numb for about a week.

And then I came around and by then, everyone knew.

Dad or I had told everyone that "needed" to know, and they passed that information onto other people. It seemed that every one in my circle of my friends knew, and the ones who wanted to ask questions asked them. I answered as best I could and that was that. As new friends have come into my life, I've told them that I have problems and mostly left it at that. If they've asked, I've either feined tiredness or I've given them half truths. Only a few, really close friends know the full extent of my condition. 

And now, someone has come into my life who could very well become close to me, so how do I tell her?

Live Long and Prosper