Thursday 23 September 2010

Planning upon planning upon planning....

The old saying goes "Be prepared for everything."
But can you really be prepared for everything? I mean, what happened if this happened?

I mean, A Shark fired from the Cannon across an entire city aimed directly with the intention to kill you? Who can predict that? The good people in Apartment 13 did, and this was our (my) solution

The Shark would've landed in our Flat, and then we'd have sorted it out with a giant feline surprise!

Basically, what would've ensued would be a fight of epic proportions! One would've killed the other, and then we'd have had this solution.

Basically, after the giant Snake, we'd have fired many, many mongooses at it, and then scorpions, and then whatever the Hell eats Scorpions, and so on and so forth (Paul, who wasn't pleased about being eaten, told me to shut up at that point and I complied...actually I passed out having had a lot to drink). Basically, by the end, our flat would've been filled to near over-flowing with animal remains.
My point is, you can plan and plan and plan and then something happens which you forgot to plan for, and then you're just screwed, so just live life as it comes and have a good time!
Good thing our Landlords didn't let us have Cannons or pets in the Flat...

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