Friday 24 September 2010

The Brand Spanking New Daleks....

....or as I like to call them, the Power Ranger Daleks. Basically, in the recent Doctor Who Episode "Victory of the Daleks", Steven Moffat destroyed Russell T Davis' amazing bronze Daleks

and replaced them with the Rainbow Squad. (pictured below)

Why? Was it because he wanted to cement these Daleks as his own? Perhaps.
Was it because he liked mulit-coloured Daleks? Possibly.

My theory, it was so a toy company could lots and lots of money releasing the same model again and again, but with a different paint scheme.

to prove it, I have photo evidence:

Dalek Drone: £8.99

Dalek Strategist: £8.99

Dalek Scientist: (so far limited to this EXCLUSIVE two-pack, which means I had to buy an Eleven Doctor variant I didn't want) £25.99

and the newly announced Hastings' exclusive Eternal Dalek: Price unknown.

One Figure painted differently four and released four times! It's a rip-off! 

at this time, the Dalek Supreme hasn't been announced, but it'll probably be around £8.99 as well (either that or they'll release them ALL in a set with the EXCLUSIVE Dalek Supreme - I'M WISE TO YOUR GAME, CHARACTER OPTIONS!!). That means good children (and me) have so far paid £53 JUST to get FOUR of the same figure (well, I paid more because I'm what's referred to as an Army Builder-I like having multiple of the same figure).


AND TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY! Steven Moffat had a completely new type of Dalek USING THE SAME DESIGN IN THE FINALE!

All that would be needed for this Dalek to become a figure would be some modifications, and a new paint job and there'll be a SIXTH DALEK VARIANT ON SALE!

That said, I'll still buy them (except the Stone Dalek. I mean, WHY?!) ...Hypocritcal, I know, but I'd rather be a hypocrite then have a blaring hole in my collections! It's why I was so angry with Playmates for a long time. (EZRI DAX! IT WASN'T TOO MUCH TO ASK!!!).

What can I say? Daleks are awesome...even the Power Ranger Ones.
Peace out

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