Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Parent Paradox

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Dad. He's brilliant, and whenever I need him, he's usually there to sub me out, be with a lift somewhere, a bit of cash or just an ear to listen to my problems. 

However, right now I feel like killing him. As usual with my blog, there's a story behind it. 

It started about 7 months ago, in September. I managed to successfully convinced (and by convince, I mean bribe) my mate Jeremy into lending me several pieces of vital Nintendo Merchandise. I'd been having a Zelda jones for a while and, despite completing Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask on the N64, I still wanted to play. What can I say? I like playing as a pointy earred dude in a green dress and tights. The next logical step was Wind Waker & Twilight Princess. 

However, I'd lost and never bothered finding my copy of Twilight Princess and every attempt to replace Wind Waker caused an unnecessary amount of stress, so I took the next logical step. I went to Jeremy's and asked if I could borrow them. Anyway, I'd also lost my Action Replay disc (I like not worrying about drowning on Wind Waker), a controller and my memory card, so I managed to con him into lending them as well. 

I finished Wind Waker (yay me) and then promptly misplaced everything but the Controller and the memory card (so the non-vital non-expensive stuff). After MONTHS of searching, I gave up and spent just under £100 replacing them (both games are the GCN version and are a bit rarer then their Wii Counterparts). Why? Because I couldn't be bothered searching for them anymore (and Jeremy was being a whinny bitch about it.)

I hear you asking "but what does your Dad have to do with this?" (and in one case, "Stop reading my thoughts!"). Here is your answer (and no, I will continue to read your thoughts).

He helped me search. We looked everywhere (except where they were). He didn't believe me when I said, "No, they're NOT in my room! I don't care how messy it is! ITS NOT IN THERE!". Long story short (a bit late there). Today, exactly 20 days after replacing them, Dad looked on his DVD shelf in his room and guess what he found?

Am I angry at Dad? A little, but that's turned down by this simple fact. GAMES FOR ME TO 

And in Lent news, I had an apple

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