Tuesday 19 April 2011

The Bathtub is trying to kill me.

Admittedly, I had fair warning, but before I go into detail, I issue a warn. This story involves me in a bath, and is vital for this piece to make as much sense as they usually do. So I'll do you all a favour. I was in swimming trunks this time. 

Anyway, back to the main story. As many of you know, I will disappear for hours at a time for a bath. I'll keep up a book and read it, simply relaxing and escaping into another world. At the moment, its the Dresden Files. But today was different. 

It started at about 2, when I decided it was too hot outside, and opted to have a bath instead. So I go upstairs and run a hot bath (irony?). But instead of turning on, the taps made a horrible noise and absolutely no water came out. Confused, I tried to turn the taps in the sink on to the same, though less loud, noise. I went downstairs and tried the kitchen sink. Same result. So I called out to Dad, who asked a neighbour if her taps were working. They were not.

That was my warning. 

I'll admit, turning the water off across the street was a bit of a big warning, but I ignored it. My own fault really. About 5, I decided to try for a bath again, and this time was rewarded with mucky water for a few seconds, before it turned clear. 

The Mucky Water was my second warning. After that, it was going in for the kill!

So I pulled the plug and watched as the Mucky Water drained (Mucky Water kills - watch Supernatural if you don't believe me) and then as my now crystal clear bath filled up. Book in hand, I climbed in and enjoyed the warmth for about a hour, then moved to refill the Water. The hot tap obeyed for a few seconds, then it spluttered, sending hot water spraying across the bath (mostly onto my book's cover and my face). Wary, I leaned in closer to the tap, and it exploded, taking me with it. I'm a Ghost now.

Ok, those last two sentances might be a lie. For starters, if I was dead, I wouldn't be here blogging, I'd be haunting a couple of friends for the funnies. 

So instead of exploding, the tap spluttered again, with the same results minus the book cover. Not burnt, just irritated. my Bath clearly can't kill very well. So for another hour, I enjoyed warmth before deciding to get out. 

I'm actually surprised the Water didn't suddenly turn black and try to pull me back in and drown me as I got out. Call me Paranoid, but that would be on par with the rest of the Bath!

I think the Bath-tub's angry I washed my hair with the Shower instead of its water the last time I hade a bath.... Those two have never gotten along...

In semi-related news, the Dresden book I'm reading had a passage I love. "My Lab, barring a brief bout of insanity, generally reflects the state of my mind - cluttered, messy, unorganised but basically functional." 

Sound familiar to those who know me? Except the Lab part....Replace "Lab" with "Bedroom".

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