Saturday 21 April 2012

The Ramblings

Today, I feel like rambling.

Rambling's really good. I like rambling. It always makes me smile when I realize I'm rambling and I am especially good at rambling. Seriously, I learnt how to properly ramble by watching Doctor Who. David Tennant's Doctor was likewise an expert rambler. NEVER have I seen someone who could ramble like this fictional character! It was brilliant. Well, brilliant might be stretching it. Great? Maybe not, Good. Good! Good is a good strong word and perfect for describing the rambling techniques.

You may have noticed I've slightly changed the way I'm writing this blog. Don't know why I decided to start writing with it in Centre format, as opposed to left to right. Just felt like it. Don't like it? Well, wait a couple of entries and I'll probably have forgotten and gone back to just writing in italics. I do that because I feel it actually resembles a neater form of handwriting. Think I mentioned that before. Felt an odd sense of Deja Vu just after writing it.

(Another good way of continuing a good ramble)

As I was saying, rambling! Ramble. Ramblising... made that word up but I'm English. The Language is English. Means mine is the opinion that counts. Rephrased that from a book called Changes I read in the bath today. Its the second to latest book in The Dresden Files series and I think they're rather brilliant. And no, brilliant is not pushing it. They truly are. Don't believe me? Go out and buy Storm Front. It's the first book in the series and I
guarantee you that you will love it.

Go on! Do it now. No time like the present. Don't worry, I'll wait.

Are they gone? Yes? Good! Not that I don't love each and everyone one of my readers, but I also love encouraging people to read! And by read, I mean books! Real Books! Books with heroes and villains and romance and what not. Go to a library! Buy them! Read them on your kindle if you have one, like me. Kindles are ace! You have an entire library in your pocket?

Brilliant? I know! I love mine!

Granted, there's nothing quite like a holding an actual book in your hands, turning the pages and smelling the book (if you're so inclined, I am - try it. Some books smell lovely.) but a Kindle really is a lifesaver. Like I said, you can have every book you own. If like me, you travel semi-regular basis or more and you love reading, it really is a life-saver. For example, before Dad bought me the kindle, I used to pack three, maybe four books, before I went ANYWHERE - that includes just getting the train into Uni. I was absolutely paranoid about not having something to read. What if I finished my book and had no replacement? What would I do then? Talk to the general public? Ew. But now, with a Kindle, I don't have that worry.

So yeah, I would call that a successful ramble. I'm done now. You may leave.

And no, Jeremy, this is not a case of me being sleep deprived, before your mind jumps to that conclusion. It was, quite simply, a ramble.

So Say We All

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