Friday 21 December 2012

I have some OCD tendancies

Hello all! Merry christmas and that (I say that now because I'm unsure whether or not I'll posting again before Christmas). 

Now, what was I saying? OH! Yes, OCD tendancies. 

First off, I do not actually have Obsessive Compulsive disorder. I refuse point blank, because it'd just be another thing to add to my growing list of disorders. But there are a few things I get crotchy about if they're not done or if they're not right.

For example, all volumes must be set on an even number. No, I don't know why, it just has to be an even number. The TV, radio and computer systems' voumes must be set at an even number and if they're not, I get cranky and try to get whoever has control to amend this problem. It's not a weakness, just a preference.

My Internet tabs are another area I have some OCD qualities. Hotmail must be the first tab open, Facebook must be the second and if I have Twitter open, it must be the third one. Don't ask, I don't know either.

That's about it really. If I have any other OCD tendancies, I've not found out about them yet. Maybe in 2013...

Live Long and Prosper!

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