Wednesday 29 February 2012

If America can, so can I.

So I was talking with my friend Mike, who lives in America (try not to hold that against him) and he had a brilliant idea. He commented that there is only one way Lucy Liu as Joan Watson would work.

I then thought about it, and decided to keep Sherlock protrayed by an English Actress. It just seems wrong to have anyone other than an Englishman play Sherlock (which is why I'm not as fond of the Robert Downey Jr Sherlock films as I could be.) To me, it'd be like having a non-Brit play the Doctor. But relax, Mike, we found a role for your suggestion.
So now, here I am, in conjunction with Kerri (read her blog here), presenting the gender reversed Sherlock Holmes. After some consideration, we decided that, apart from unusual names like Sherlock and Mycroft, their names will be swapped to represent their new found feminieness or masculinity. Enjoy!

Because I'm not bored enough and Kerri is a tad tipsy, we're sticking with their pre-established backstories, except where it conflicts with their genders. Instead, enjoy these pretty pictures I found on Google of the actresses






Announcing the cast of the upcoming hit Miss Holmes

Kate Beckinsale as Sherlock Holmes

Lucy Liu as Joan Watson

Meryl Streep as Mycroft Holmes

Neil Flynn as Mr Hudson

Gwyneth Paltrow as DI Lestrade

David Tennant as Ian Alder

And finally, because no show is complete with a villain, presenting:

Emma Watson as Jane Moriarty

Plot: Up in Asgard, following following Thor's adventure as a woman, he and Sif are having an argument about whether women are better then men. Thor is against this notion, whereas naturally Sif is all for girl power. Deciding there is only way to settle the argument, they travel to the stone where Loki is imprisoned. Despite thinking both are idiots for this argument, Loki agrees to turn everyone on Earth into the opposite Gender. Hilarity then ensues.

Chris Hemsworth, Jaimie Alexander and Tom Hiddleston, naturally, reprise their roles from Thor.

That's my plot for Miss Holmes, coming soon to TV screens in your imaginations.

So say we all!

1 comment:

  1. LOL that is brilliant, and I approve of all the changes. Had me laughing so hard I had to stop just to breathe again before I passed out from laughter.

    Good plot idea too. That just makes it even more awesome. :)
