Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Failed Invasion by the Scottish Wench pt. 1

Saturday evening through to Monday Evening

Saturday night, what a night! There was drinking and dancing and a pokemon board game of some kind which lead to more drinking!

Of course, while everyone else was drinking alcohol of assorted sorts, I was drinking delicious Dr Pepper.

As usual, we returned from our drinking adventures in a club with a brief stop at McDonalds for much needed fried goodness. Except it wasn't fried goodness. The Chicken Nuggets left me throwing up for the better part of two days. I would blame the Fries, but I gave them to Alex since I don't like them cold (they're bad enough when they're warm.)

Then it was Monday, which harked the arrival of Kerri from Scotland. Since this is a somewhat rare event, I pretended to be a gentleman and went, with Jeremy whom she is staying with, to meet her at the Station. That evening was spent watching an assortment of DVDs, me carefully eating so as not to risk another evening of vomit, followed by sleep. Also, Kerri got me a Sketch pad and a mini book with a Pentagram on the front. I returned the favour by providing her with the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide and another item tba in the next blog (PART 2).


Tuesday was a very lazy day. Instead of me throwing up in the evening, it was Jeremy's bloody Dog...twice. The first time I impressed Jeremy with my strong stomach by clearing it up. The second, I was in time to get him outside. That set the tone for my sleep.

I eventually arose, went through to the sitting room and chatted, laughed and bitched with Kerri between brews, chicken, pork pies and sausage rolls, until Jeremy woke up. From there, we pretty much just watched DVDs and chatted (while one of us stole the other's Demon phone to look stuff up online, irritating Demon Phone's owner).

Some amusement came when I hid Jeremy's DVD of the Hulk in the box for another film, and hid the box behind the cushion on the sofa.

By the end of the evening, Jeremy nearly died on, Kerri was half-reading, half watching a film where Christian Bale adopts a puppy and I was regretting not bringing my laptop. Much fun was had.


Today we went to Leeds with Dad! Most people would be embarrassed to say that, but I actually do love going places with Dad. He's a laugh, and provides entertainment for my guests so I don't actually have to! (Plus he buys me things).

We went to the usual places, with a few add-ons. Jeremy went into Game and was thoroughly unimpressed with it. Of course, being massive Comic Geeks, Kerri and I were enthralled with Forbidden Planet (though left with little beyond a plush cat). We walked up to OK Comics, where Kerri was impressed that the owner knew of Plan B Books, found a couple of books she'd and past me been looking for, and I bought more comics then I really should've.

From there, aside from a brief stop in WHSmiths and HMV, we met my Dad in Waterstones and enjoyed a cup of tea and a mega chat with him before returning to Jeremy's (where the two of us are staying since I have no room at my house). I've read Comics, Kerri's read comics, Jeremy has gold furniture and we've eaten dinner.

Now he's pestering for his laptop, so his Dad can watch a Football game.

Until the next time, loyal readers.

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