Friday 15 February 2013


I've noticed just recently that I'm going through some stuff, and a lot of it is scaring me. Especially when you consider what some of the stuff is indicating. 


Yeah. I know. It's one of those words that has so much meaning, but is cramped into 10 letters. It's a scary thought, and it's something that I really need to get looked at because if I have it, I need to get it sorted. It's not something I can just leave, because at the moment I'm shouting at my friends for no apparent reason. The smallest things can set me off, and I'm geniunely concerned that sooner or later, I will hit someone.

That isn't me. I don't want to be that person. So Monday, I've got an appointment with my GP, and I'm going to ask her opinion and see where we go from there. Yeah. I just thought I'd have a copy of it somewhere written down.

Of course, I'll keep you all updated, not that anyone actually reads this.

Live Long and Prosper

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