Thursday 27 January 2011

Hotmail's junk mail folder

I personally cannot stand this device. Don't get me wrong, it serves a vital purpose of keeping spam from my inbox and storing them away from my important emails, but the fact is, it doesn't work. 
my email address is reasonably old (I was 12 when I created it) so, as a result of various pranks, idiot friends and other general 12 year old activities (Free Pokemon Cheats - SIGN ME UP!) I get a fair amount of spam. Some of it ends up in my junk mail section, but the vast majority of it ends up INSIDE MY INBOX! I cleared out my inbox, went on holiday for a week and then came back to find almost 3,000 emails in my inbox, and about an eighth of that in my Junk Folder. 
Yes, some were emails from my friends saying "Do you want to meet up for a drink at this place?" or "It's a shame you weren't there" (or in one case "YAY! You weren't there! How did you know what I wanted for my Birthday?") but most were useless pieces of junk asking for debit card details so they can put a bagillon quid into my account. 
But that isn't what ticks me off. 
Well, no...that does tick me off, but not majorally.
What royals ticks me, for no reason other then the fact it seems to be claiming credit, is the message that shows AFTER you've emptied your Junk Mail Folder. For those that don't know, it's this: 

You don't have junk here (hooray!)—Microsoft SmartScreen is working to keep it out of your inbox, too.

It's probab;y just me misreading it, but that message seems to me to be screaming "You don't have junk here (Because of us, not you clicking empty)
And while we're on the subject of an empty button, why doesn't the Inbox have one?
Enjoy those thoughts. 

Still here? Why?

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