Tuesday 18 January 2011


Youtube needs to get rid of its adverts!
I know on official music videos and the like, they generate a TINY amount of money, but seriously, they're annoying as hell. If I wanted to watch irritating adverts, I'd have looked them up instead of wanting to watch what I've loaded! Then I'd have shot myself for wanting to watch those adverts in the first place. 
Take last night for example. All I wanted to do was watch Black Books!
So what did Youtube do to me?
The first episode wasn't too bad, since it only played one advert. Except the Advert told me "You are 4OD on Youtube".....Really? I didn't gather that from the fact I searched for "Black Books", found them all on the channel 4OD...and I was on Youtube. I thought I was watching BBC IPlayer on Dailymotion! Thank you, Advert, for correcting my mistake, because I am truly that retarded!
(That was sarcasm)
So the episode played, I laughed and was alarmed by my similarites to Dylan Moran's character and when it ended, I decided to watch another episode. OK, this time I made the mistake. I loaded the wrong episode, but it still ticked me off! It didn't warn me while it played the High Speed Baby Printer, the Barclays Advert trying to make me laugh with nonsense about a Squirrel,  an advert I forgot (but I'm certain it was idiotic) and then that nice announcement reminding me I was watching 4OD on Youtube (in case I'd forgotten). 
As soon as I realized my mistake, I changed to the right episode, and sat through the soul destroying adverts again. I laughed, again became alarmed at the similarities and decided to watch another advert. Once more, I got the EXACT SAME ADVERTS AGAIN! It wouldn't be SO BAD IF they changed the adverts! 
To rub salt into the wound that my patience had become, half way through the episode it did a mini-impression of the title screen. Because it's a Channel 4 program, it's designed so the story can cut off at a moment's notice for adverts. So it did that and, apparently, Youtube thought it was an ACTUAL COMMERCIAL BREAK! Two more of those damned adverts played...and ONE OF THEM WAS THE DAMN IN CASE YOU'RE A RETARD, YOU'RE WATCHING THIS CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE Advert. 
Maybe I am more like Bernard Black then I realize...
In closing, this quote made all my angry go away:

"Do you think I should shave my beard?"
"I think you SHOULD wash it, yeah...and shave it off, nail it to a frisbee and fling it over the Rainbow"


  1. "Do you think I should shave my beard?"
    "I think you SHOULD wash it, yeah...and shave it off, nail it to a frisbee and fling it over the Rainbow"

    if only i could actually fling my beard over a rainbow it may actually be worth being clean shaven this decade
