Friday 7 January 2011

Why the Doctor Who Adventures games are EVIL!

For those of you who don't know, I'm a BIG Doctor Who Fan (My Blog's name SHOULD'VE been a clue). I bought DOZENS of Classic Who DVDs, all the modern ones, the soundtracks and the vast majority of the figures (even the expensive exclusives). I even want to be the Last Doctor! That's how much I love Doctor Who!
That said, the Adventure Games are EVIL! 

Let me explain.
The Adventures Games are free downloadable games from the BBC Website which let you play as the Eleventh Doctor and Amy in four seperate adventures. You fight Daleks, Cybermen, A weird glowing Orb, the Vashta Nerada and a GIANT SHARK! Actually, fight is a bit of strong word - you actually sneak around and pray they don't see you...or Amy, because they WILL KILL YOU! (I can still hear Amy and the Doctor screaming as they die).
Sounds like fun, right?

It is...until you start collecting the Cards!
There are five sets - Doctors, Companions, Friends, Enemies and Jelly Babies. They're scattered across each Game and they're COLLECTABLE! The Word Collectable must also be Evil, because it instantly drives me to collect them...even though they're completely worthless in the Real World. If I were still at School and said to people I got all the Doctor Who Collectable Cards, I'd probably be beaten up repeatedly, even after giving up my precious Lunch (Doctor Who Figure) Money...even by the foreign exchange student who speaks no english...and probably the Teachers as well.

But the point is, I searched EVERYWHERE for them! And I found them...all but ONE! 
For THREE DAYS, I replayed the Games, searching desperately for the final card (Orange Jelly Baby)! I searched every nock and cranny on EVERY LEVEL AND DEAD ABOUT A MILLION TIMES! By now, you'll get the idea that they're somewhat hard to find. 
Anyway, then I found it...COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT! I was running the wrong way down a corroder because some enemy wanted to exterminate/delete/eat my life force/eat my skin (See what I did there - no clues for you, cheaters!) and there is was, spinning happily. It's even worse then when I was playing Blood of the Cybermen, and saw a Card AFTER I was too far away from it to go back! I would tell you where it was, but I'm an arse who refuses to share his secrets. Now, after wasting hours of your life searching for these cards, what do you get? The ability to alternate between The Doctor and Amy whenever you want? A Sonic Screwdriver for Amy? A Sonic Blaster for the Doctor so he can shoot his enemies instead of sneaking around them? Iron Man's armour? (On X-Men Legends II, you do!) or at the very least, a message congratulating you on your hard work and lack of a social life? 
You get nothing. 
So basically, the BBC's reward for finding all those bloody cards is....nothing. 

Also, at a friend's birthday party, she introduced me as "Creepy Chris". At the time, I laughed it off as usual Banter.
Then I read this and suddenly, I'm not so sure! 

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